
Orthodoxy in Australia: Archbishop Makarios of Australia


Diversity is not necessarily Division

( CMC ) - From 25 January to 2 February, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is being held in Jerusalem, with the theme: ‘Do you believe this?’ (Jn 11:26). This year marks the 1,700th anniversary of the first Christian Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea, which gives us the opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the common faith of Christians.

Our "convert" clergy


Uncovering of Blessed Matushka Olga with Bp. Alexei


Recreation and the careful Christian

( STM )- In a  homily on February 18, 1907, St Tikhon of Moscow uses the Parable of the Prodigal Son to guide us in the right use of recreation as Christians... A certain man had two sons, and the younger of them told the father, 'Give me the portion of goods that falleth to me'” (Luke 15:11-12). The younger son felt an overabundance of strength; he wanted to put it to use in action; he wanted to live independently, freely, without guardianship, without restrictions, which might have been at times set unnecessarily by the old father. And this kind of aspiration by the young son alone by itself did not contain anything reproachful. It was acceptable; but as one might expect, it did not turn out to be beneficial. Having nobody to restrain him, held back by no one, far from the loving parental eye, the wealthy young man squandered all of his estate by living lasciviously. Friends, wine, and women drove him into miserable poverty. While the money lasted he partied constantly, and t...

A reboot

This site took a pause. It needed one. I needed one. It will probably come back a tad different than it was in the previous incarnation. Please be patient as I reformat the theme/layout and begin getting into a regular posting cadence.