Turkish government's opposition to EP's activities in Ukraine
A little background might be in order: The Turkish government is quite uncomfortable with the role of the patriarchate of Constantinople as anything but a body that speaks for the few remaining Orthodox in Turkey. They refuse to acknowledge any larger role and were quite uncomfortable with the recent papal visit, the presidential visit, or any other meeting where the Ecumenical Patriarch could speak out on the continued oppression. At the same time the government has stopped assassination attempts in recent years. So they are quite willing to let him stay, but due to the one way (Christian -> Muslim) conversion rule they foresee a day when the Christians will simply die off. Ankara, May 28, ( Interfax ) – The Constantinople Patriarch doesn’t have enough authority to open his representations outside of Turkey, in particular in Ukraine, the Turkish Foreign Ministry has stated. “Sources in the Foreign Ministry said such initiatives of Ukraine don’t have legal grounds… The Patriarchate...