Watford bans parents from watching own children at parks
Amusingly, the town motto "Audentior" comes from Virgil: Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (Yield thou not to adversity, but press on the more bravely). October 28, 2009 ( Daily Mail ) - Parents are being banned from playing with their children in council recreation areas because they have not been vetted by police. Mothers and fathers are being forced to watch their children from outside perimeter fences because of fears they could be paedophiles. Watford Council was branded a 'disgrace' yesterday after excluding parents from two fenced-off adventure playgrounds unless they first undergo criminal record checks. Children as young as five will instead be supervised by council 'play rangers' who have been cleared by the Criminal Records Bureau. Councillors insist they are merely following Government regulations and cannot allow adults to walk around playgrounds 'unchecked'. But furious parents attacked the move and threatened to boyco...