I have met priests that take this matter very seriously, those that are completely hands-off on the topic, and those that don't consider birth control a big deal at all. As a parent of many children, I am decidedly in the pro-progeny camp. We seem to have taken individual instances where economia is called for (medical problems, extreme family issues, etc.) and recast being closed to life as a normal "choice." This is not only lamentable in its immediate effect on the family, but also on the every shrinking Orthodox birthrate. We are blithely not procreating ourselves into non-existence in a way that jihadi Islam, Communism, and radical enviro-secularism could only dream about. ( The Morning Offering ) - Marriage, for the Orthodox Christian, is to have as it's foundation, Jesus Christ, and a commitment to live in full communion with the Church. When a couple are joined together in this mystical (sacramental) union with one another, they become one flesh, and begin ...