
Showing posts from October, 2012

The good confessor

Some years ago I was at Holy Archangels Greek Orthodox Monastery in Kendalia, TX, and picked up a copy of the book Wounded by Love which the below quoted passage is from. The monks let you borrow books from the bookstore while you're there and I found the writing style to be engaging enough for the occasion (the mix of heat and physical activity there can be soporific). The blog Discerning Thoughts had republished one of the sections I remember most fondly: After two years they made me a confessor (Presbyters/’priests’ are not ‘made’ confessors due to the event of their Ordination to the Presbytery). On a great feast day when there were lots of people present they took me to the bishop’s residence and they officially read the prayer for becoming a spiritual father (confessor). I was very young. What did I know about it! And. foolish wretch, I was thick-headed into the bargain. I was still uneducated; I didn’t know the penitential canons. And, with incredible stupidity. what did...

A new book on the theology of Alexander Schmemann

Delayed a bit due to the hurricane. Worth adding to your wish list though. ( Amazon ) - In Church, World and Kingdom: The Eucharistic Foundation of Alexander Schmemann's Pastoral Theology , author William C. Mills analyzes the pastoral and Eucharistic theology of the world-renowned Eastern Orthodox priest, pastor, professor, seminary dean, theologian, and author, Alexander Schmemann. Schmemann's theological legacy has influenced all levels of Church life. His books, articles, essays, and sermons are known world-wide and translated into numerous languages and have been referenced by theologians in the East and the West. William C. Mills expertly reminds us that for Alexander Schmemann, the scriptures, doctrine, faith, teachings, practices, and prayers of the Church are expressed and fully realized in the Eucharistic gathering. Alexander Schmemann's theology was influential from the Second Vatican Council onward, not only on his own Orthodox tradition, but also on Roman...

Mystagogy on Halloween

Here's an excerpt from the blog Mystagogy on Halloween. This is the month where Orthodox Christians debate the merits and dangers of the day of trick or treating. Ok, I think you get the picture how many Orthodox Christians unfortunately view Halloween. What is unfortunate is that they base their beliefs on a bunch of distorted information that have no basis in fact. If it does, I challenge anyone to present the historical evidence that Halloween is indeed an ancient pagan festival that was celebrated by sacrifices of humans to Satan (Samhain) and honored demons with treats. And these are only a few of the many distortions popularized in the "christian" tracts of fundamentalists and of multimillionaire publisher Jack Chick. This smear campaign against Halloween, in which it has been scapegoated among Christians as the ultimate manifestation of secularism and satanism in contemporary culture, only goes back to farely recent modern times when certain Christian gro...

Russian people pray for the victims of Stalin

A woman lights a candle as she prays at a church where victims of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's purges are buried on the outskirts of Moscow, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012. The Day of Victims of Political Repressions is marked in Russia on Oct. 30, people gather to commemorate thousands of victims of Soviet-era political repressions. ( AP Photo/Misha Japaridze )

Met. Hilarion of Russian Church continues whirlwind tour

In recent days Met. Hilarion, who heads up the Russian Church's External Church Relations department, has been on a whirlwind tour of the US (the UN, Nashotah House, the Antiochian chancery in New York, and many other places besides). Here he concelebrated at the ROCOR Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral in Chicago. I can say, without any hesitation, that the Russian Church (US Patriarchal, Moscow, and ROCOR) have the photographing of events down pat. You can follow more of his recent visits here .

Coptic papal election update

The original five candidates. ( Reuters ) - Egypt's Coptic Orthodox church moved a step closer to picking a new pope on Monday when the shortlist was whittled down to three in a process the Christian minority hopes will deliver a leader to guide them safely through the upheaval of the Arab Spring. The previous incumbent, Pope Shenouda III, led the church for four decades until his death in March at the age of 88. His successor will assume the post in a fast-changing Egypt where long oppressed Islamists are now in power - a major shift that is a source of alarm for the minority Christian community. A shortlist of five candidates was reduced to three by an election on Monday in which 2,256 voted out of 2,417 people picked by the church to have the right to vote. Which of the three emerges as the 118th pope will be decided on November 4 when a blindfolded child picks one of the remaining candidates. The three who will go forward to the draw are: Bishop Rafael, a 54-year o...

A Prayer for Threatening Malevolent Winds and Sea Storms

We're hunkering down here. The neighbors just brought us puzzles and board games. Water has been stored up and other foods have been prepped. The wife, just back from the supermarket, reports that there has been a run on the staples (e.g. no bread left). Lord, have mercy. ( ROCOR-EAD ) - An Appeal from Metropolitan Hilarion to all of the Faithful of the Eastern American Diocese in connection with Hurricane Sandy Reverend fathers, dear in the Lord brothers and sisters, As hurricane Sandy approaches the East Coast of the USA, many of the parishes in our diocese lay in its direct course. I call upon all of the faithful of the Eastern American Diocese to unite in prayer for the deliverance of our land from natural disasters. As Orthodox Christians we have nothing to fear, but must always remember the words of Apostle Paul – “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God,” (Philippians 4:6). O...

Election for Coptic pope starts today

CAIRO ( AP ) — A council of Egypt's Coptic Christians is voting Monday in a process that will elect a new spiritual leader for the ancient church as the community struggles to assert its identity and role amid a rising tide of Islamism that has left many Copts fearful for their future. The succession follows the March death of the charismatic Pope Shenouda III at the age of 88 and after 40 years as the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The congregation represents the majority of Egypt's Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the country's 83 million people. About 2,400 clergymen, community leaders and Egyptian Coptic notables are choosing from among five candidates — three monks and two bishops. Their vote, widely covered by the media, at the main Coptic cathedral in Cairo will short-list three candidates on Monday. The final selection of the new pope will take place in a ceremony Sunday. Egypt's Coptic Christians have long complained of discrimination b...

St. Vlad's opens up new distance education doctoral program

( SVOTS ) - St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) is very pleased to announce a new, accredited Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program. Priests, chaplains and professionals in ministry from across the US, Canada, and from throughout the English speaking world, now have an opportunity to earn a Doctor of Ministry from an Orthodox Christian seminary in this new hybrid program, which uses distance learning and one–week, on–campus intensives. "Pastors today face immense challenges," emphasized The Rev. Dr. J. Sergius Halvorsen (SVOTS Class of '96), assistant professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric, and the program's director. "The depth and intensity of suffering and spiritual darkness in the lives of the people we serve is startling. Facing such serious challenges, there has never been a greater need for excellence in pastoral ministry." In November 2012, St. Vladimir's will begin accepting applications for the first cohort of fifteen stud...

Relics of St. Maximus venerated in Belgrade

( ) - With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, His Grace Atanasije, Bishop of Hvosno celebrated on Sunday, October 21, 2012, the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Sava on Vracar, with the concelebration of the hieromonks from St. Paul's Monastery of Mount Athos and the clergy from the Archdiocese of Belgrade-Karlovci. His Grace Basil, Bishop of Wichita and Middle America Antiochian Patriachate, attended the Liturgy. Following the Divine Liturgy the relics of Saint Maximus were brought into the church. Multitude of the faithful people of Belgrade showed respect and venerated the holy relics.

Assembly of Bishops for Oceania meets in Sydney

( ) - The members of the 3rd Episcopal Assembly of the canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania welcomed once again the opportunity to meet in Sydney from October 14-15, 2012, under the chairmanship ex officio of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia. The Assembly commenced with prayer at the Central Offices of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, Redfern. Present were: His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (Ecumenical Patriarchate), His Grace Bishop Irinej (Serbian Church), His Grace Bishop Mihail (Romanian Church), His Eminence Metropolitan Amphilochios (Ecumenical Patriarchate – New Zealand), His Grace Bishop Ezekiel (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Seraphim (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Nikandros (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Iakovos (Assistant Bishop), the Very Rev. Fr Michael Protopopov (representing His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church), and the Rev. Fr Michael Smolynec with the Very Rev. Fr Wolodymyr Lulka (r...

Representatives of Moscow and Antioch meet in New Jersey

Abp. Justinian of Naro-Fominsk, Met. Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Met. Philip of New York, and Bp. Nicholas of Brooklyn ( ) - On 24 October 2012, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, visiting the USA with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, met with the head of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America, Metropolitan Philip (Saliba) , Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America, one of the longest-tenured Orthodox hierarchs in the USA. The meeting took place at Metropolitan Philip’s residence in the city of Englewood, New Jersey. The head of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America warmly welcomed Metropolitan Hilarion and wished him God’s help in his ministry. Metropolitan Philip told the guest about the situation of the Orthodox Church of Antioch in North America, presented his vision of various aspects of parish lif...

New emigration of Christians to Turkey meets old injustices

H/T: Ankawa ( ) - Turkey is home to one of the oldest Christian populations in the world, the Suriyani, who fled during recent conflict. In the last few years they’ve been returning, but problems with their resettlement are apparent. For 1,600 years the bell at Mor Gabriel in southeastern Turkey has tolled, calling people to prayer. Everything about the Syriac Orthodox monastery here is ancient. The ceremonies are conducted in Aramaic, a language spoken at the time of Christ. Known as the second Jerusalem, the monastery is not only considered important for Syriac Christians, but the wider Christian faith. But a ruling by Turkey's highest court in favor of the Turkish state over the ownership of monastery land has cast a shadow over its future. Kuriye Kos is the head of the Mor Gabriel foundation that runs the monastery. "After all these court cases anything can happen," he told DW. "We have other lands, and there we could also face the same thing. We ...

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

I have returned from an extended trip to the bucolic republic that is Texas. Sadly, I was cast headlong into the jutting concrete complex called downtown Dallas. I visited family on the outskirts of the metroplex and then caught a plane home. On my return I gathered and counted the 6 TSA baggage check advisories I had collected in my luggage. My gift of chocolate Texas turtles for the wife survived these numerous federal interventions unscathed. Hopefully the downpour of forthcoming posts won't be as violent as the storm about to hit my house. Thanks for reading.

Votive, voting


Vespers at Notre Dame


Holy Cross hosts talk on the importance of the laity

( Holy Cross ) - As part of Alumni Homecoming Weekend 2012, Dr. Philip Mamalakis moderated HCHC's first-ever live-streaming panel discussion, entitiled The Vital Ministry of the Laity: The Royal Priesthood of all Believers . The panel was comprised of five lay members of the alumni community, including Gerontissa Foteini, a nun from All Saints Monastery in New York; Elena Khoury, a contract and immigration attorney; Chris Kourlos, a business consultant; Dr. George D. Stavros, Director of the Danielson Institute; and Catherine Varkas, a long-time educator. Dr. Mamalakis explained that the panel members “shared how they understood their particular vocation as vocation and ministry of the Church.” He highlighted the work of Ms. Khoury as helping the needy through pro-bono legal work, and the work of Ms. Varkas in contributing to the formation of young children. He commented that all of the members of the panel discussed how they strive to present themselves as Orthodox Christians ...

Deal reached on St. Nicholas church destroyed on 9/11

New York, NY ( GOARCH ) – The Governor of the State of New York Andrew Cuomo, announced yesterday at the Archdiocesan Council meeting, that the final agreement on the rebuilding of St. Nicholas was signed the day before, Oct. 18, 2012 and that the Port Authority would begin construction immediately hoping to complete the foundation in a year and then turn the site over to the Church. Governor Cuomo made the announcement during the joint luncheon of the Archdiocesan Council of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the National Philoptochos Board, which had both convened for their first meeting of the 2012-2014 term in the New York Hilton. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America welcomed Governor Cuomo and thanked him for being “instrumental” in the process and for “helping St. Nicholas Church be resurrected.” The Archbishop talked about the transformation of the World Trade Center and said that “when St. Nicholas Church is completed it will be a place of praying, a...

Russian bishops discuss "diaspora" in London

( ) - With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the Conference of Russian Orthodox Bishops Serving in the Diaspora opened in London on October 19, 2012. The event marks the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion.

The bright light of science

"The Bright Light of Science Has Proven That There Is No God." Denver, CO ( CNA ) - Some 40 Soviet propaganda posters against Christianity will soon be displayed at Denver’s Catholic cathedral as part of an exhibit dedicated to religious liberty. “These posters remind us that societies can turn very deadly when you have a kind of radical secularism which manifests in an anti-Christian attitude … you see it in all its ugliness through the lens of these posters,” Father Doug Grandon told CNA Oct. 17. The posters displayed at the cathedral are part of the collection of Fr. Grandon, parochial vicar at St. Thomas More parish in Centennial, Colo. The October 1917 revolution in Russia led to the atheistic, communist government of the Soviet Union which hoped to eradicate religion, and in particular the Catholic Church, from its empire. To do this, the government produced thousands of different propaganda posters which denigrated Christianity and which the Soviet Central...

OCA independent review effort gains traction

I was recently asked to post on the petition being signed by concerned OCA clergy and laity. The petition can be found here . Below is the text of the petition. I was also recently asked as to where the Bp. Matthias misconduct investigation currently stands. After the recent release of text messages purportedly from the woman lodging the complaint I have heard nothing further that I can responsibly repost. We, Orthodox Christians of North America, appeal to the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) and to the Seventeenth All American Council of the OCA with a request to investigate events that appear to be improper and to have occurred in relation to the removal of Metropolitan Jonah as Primate of the Orthodox Church in America. We ask for an independent investigation of the following. Whether it is against the OCA Statute for the bishops to request and/or accept a resignation of their Primate since resignation is different from retirement mentioned in the Statute o...

Russian delegation meets Pope Benedict in Rome

( ) - On 16 October 2012, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, met with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican after the session of the Synod of Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, at which the DECR chairman delivered greetings. Metropolitan Hilarion conveyed best wishes to Pope Benedict XVI from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The Pope wished the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church God’s help and success. A wide range of issues was touched upon in the talk Metropolitan Hilarion answered question of the head of the Roman Catholic Church, telling him about the present situation of the Russian Orthodox Church, the election of bishops and establishment of new metropolias, about theological schools and monasteries, the extension of missionary and educational activities of the Church, the teaching of the fundamentals of religious culture and secular ethics in schools, an...

Orthodox bodies in WCC support "unity, justice, and peace"

( WCC ) - Orthodox churches have reaffirmed their commitment to "unity, justice and peace" saying that the "supreme act of God`s love is the economy of salvation". This and other theological reflections were shared in an inter-Orthodox consultation in Kos, Greece this week. The consultation took place from 11 to 17 October. It brought together representatives of Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches to prepare for the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly, which will take place from 30 October to 8 November 2013 in Busan, Republic of Korea. The participants shared diverse theological reflections on the theme of the assembly "God of life, lead us to justice and peace". These reflections provide an Orthodox contribution to the WCC Assembly. The participants expressed their commitment to pray and work together for justice, peace and Christian unity in a communiqué issued at the end of consultation. "The supreme act of God`s love is the ...

OCA Diocese of the South's episcopal search update

( OCA-DOS ) - Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Faithful of the DOS, Christ is in our midst! The Synod of the OCA did not vet any potential episcopal candidates during its meetings which concluded last week, this obviously includes Fr Gerasim. Thus we are still in a holding pattern relative to a possible DOS Special Assembly. In further developments, the deans, acting as a nominating group within the Episcopal Search Committee, have received cv's from several additional potential candidates. Two of these potential candidates are being interviewed in the coming week. It is my hope that sometime after the AAC in Parma there will be a vetting of episcopal candidates by the Synod of the OCA, and that this will give us a way forward. Thus it is still possible that we might have a DOS Special Assembly in the context of our 2013 DOS Pastoral Conference in Atlanta, GA, and certainly no later than our regularly scheduled 2013 DOS Assembly in late July. With this in mind and ...

Carpatho-Russian Diocese to have a bishop in November

JOHNSTOWN, PA ( ACROD ) - Bishop-elect Gregory (Tatsis), who was elected Diocesan Bishop of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA with the title of Bishop of Nyssa by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on August 30, 2012, will be ordained to the Episcopacy by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America on November 27, 2012 at Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Johnstown, PA. Concelebrating with the Archbishop will be hierarchs from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A His Grace, Bishop-Elect Gregory will travel to the Ecumenical Patriarchate on at the end of October for the official ceremonies of announcement and acceptance, known as Mikro and Mega Minima. Following the Ordination to the Episcopacy, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America will enthrone the new Bishop as the fourth Ruling Bishop of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA. The Diocesan Cathedral of Chr...

A new podcast on a most important topic: our children

( AFR ) - “ From My Youth ” is a monthly, interview-based podcast. Each month, Andrew Boyd welcomes a new guest to provide resources for those working in youth, young adult, and campus ministry. The podcast will focus on practical ideas and information that will help people “in the field.” From experienced youth and campus ministry leaders sharing their experiences to psychologists offering advice and guidance on identifying and helping depression, a variety of useful skills will be showcased. This podcast will help equip clergy and lay people for ministry to youth and young adults. In the below podcast Andrew interviews Mat. Jenny Mosher about how to properly teach children the Bible.

The "liturgical" church

( Moody Standard ) - “Liturgy” is a word that by virtue of its mere obscurity seems to be dropping out of the common vernacular altogether, just as churches that keep the prescribed calendar and hold traditional services have been left stranded by the mainstream of evangelical culture. Liturgy, however, is more than merely a calendar, and several Moody students would assert that it offers believers the opportunity to experience worship and the church in a fresh way and to grow as believers and future ministers of the gospel. Hattie Buell, a sophomore ethnomusicology major who attends services at Church of the Resurrection Anglican, believes Moody students stand to gain a lot from exploring liturgical worship: “Moody’s a very practical school, but because of that practicality it loses out on a lot of the richness and worship when it forgets the liturgy and the church calendar,” she said. “You can do nothing wrong with learning about liturgy, about the Book of Common Prayer,” she said...

Russian Church delegation attending Vatican events

( ) - In the evening of 15 October 2012, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), arrived in Rome for an official visit. He was met at the Champion airport by H.E. Nikolai Sadchikov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Holy See, and Rev. Milan Žust of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. His Eminence Hilarion is accompanied by deacon Alexei Dikarev, a staff member of the DECR secretariat for inter- Christian relations; and Mr. Leonid Sevastianov, executive director of the St. Gregory the Theologian Foundation. Upon the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Al Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion will attend the XIII World Synod of Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church and address the participants. The present Synod of Bishops is timed to the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and is dedicated t...

Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria might step down

( ) - The Bulgarian Holy Synod is calling an emergency meeting on October 16 and 17 when, reportedly, the Head of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Patriarch Maxim is going to withdraw from the post. The information was reported Saturday by the Bulgarian Pressa (Press) daily, citing insider sources speaking off-the-record. The Holy Synod Chief Secretary, Bishop Naum, has warned all members that they must attend and absences would not be excused. Under the Code of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church the title "Patriarch" is lifelong, but he can withdraw on reasons admissible by church canons. In such case, Maxim will hold the title "Former Patriarch of Bulgarians," and will be addressed as "You Holiness," along with keeping all privileges of an acting Patriarch. Maxim's reasons to retreat will most likely revolve around his ailing health, the same sources have said. He was listed in the hospital in the summer and is now under homecare, ...

A restoration to the Kiss of Peace

From the blog Straight from the Heart , a post on returning the Kiss of Peace to the Liturgy. I've been to parishes where this is done. Of those Orthodox parishes I have visited that do it, it has a decidedly chatty, happy feel most Catholics will find reminiscent of a Novus Ordo mass. It need not be that conversational, though, and I have seen "successful" occurrences in Coptic, Maronite, etc. churches. Thoughts? The peace in the Coptic tradition During my pre-Orthodox days when I was an Anglican priest, one of the most popular services for the devout was the so-called “8 am service”—a much-shortened Communion service offered without hymns, without sermon—and usually without many people. Those who favoured it said they liked the service because it was short and quiet and one could “make one’s own Communion” without the necessity of meeting other worshippers. It allowed them their own quiet devotional time with the Lord, without all the fuss and bother of other...

What are we doing?

And I also ask, "Why does she need to be outside while her kids are playing at all?"

Armenian Church issues new regulations on mixed marriages

H/T: Oriental Orthodox Church ( Hurriyet ) - The Armenian Patriarchate in Turkey has restarted implementing regulations in regards to mixed marriages, under which Armenians marrying a person of a different religion will no longer receive a blessing or be permitted to conduct a church wedding. The permission for a church wedding for mixed marriages started in 2000 with Patriarch Mesrop Mutafyan’s approval, but the move sparked debate within the community. “We are putting into practice a law that already exists in our church. I do not want to make any other statement than this,” acting Patriarch Aram Ateşyan told the Hürriyet Daily News regarding the latest move. The new regulation went into effect Oct. 1. Armenians in mixed marriages, as well as those from the community engaged to non-Armenians, gave partial support to the patriarchate but also expressed criticism on the matter. Murat Kaspar, a 36-year-old design editor at daily Dünya who married a Muslim Turk last mont...

Monastic tonsure at Optina Monastery


Armenian Pat. Torkom Manougian II of Jerusalem reposes

( ) - Armenian Orthodox Patriarch Torkom Manougian II, Primate of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem since 1990, passed away on October 12th at the age of 96. He had suffered a stroke in January, falling into a state of unconsciousness. In March, after emergency treatment, he was discharged from the Hadassa Ein Karem hospital and taken to the infirmary of the Franciscan convent of San Salvatore, which cares for the elderly and sick friars of the Custody of the Holy Land. Patriarch Manougian died at the convent at half past nine in the morning. Born February 16, 1919, in a refugee camp near the city of Bakouba, north of Baghdad (Iraq), he entered the Theological Seminary of the Armenian Patriarchate of St. James in Jerusalem at the end of the first cycle of studies. He was ordained deacon in 1936 and priest in 1939. Before being elected Patriarch in the Holy City, Torkom Manougian II spent an important part of his life (38 years) in the United States, arrivi...

On Karyes, the capital of Mount Athos

From the blog Londinoupolis ... Karyes, the capital of Mount Athos is the administrative centre of the monastic republic of Mount Athos, Karyes is situated in a forest of walnut and hazel in the middle of the peninsula at an altitude of 370 m. It is home to the representatives of the monasteries and to those who trade in ecclesiastical objects and forest products of Mount Athos. The Protos, or spiritual leader of the monasteries, is chosen for life from among the body of abbots of the Athos monasteries. The Holy Community is responsible for administrative matters common to the monasteries. In civil matters the community is subordinate to the foreign office of Greece, represented at Karyes by a civil governor... Complete post here .

Coptic papal ballot down to 5

( British Orthodoxy ) - At a press conference at St. Bishoy’s Monastery in Wadi El N’atrun on 13 October, His Eminence Metropolitan Bakhomious, the patriarchal locum tenens, and the members of the Candidates’ Selection Committee (which has been in retreat at the Monastery since 4 October), announced the names of the five candidates, whose names will go forward for election on 24 November. They include two General Bishops , Anba Tawadros, who has served as Assistant to Metropolitan Bakhomious in Damanhur and Anba Raphael, General Bishop for Central Cairo and assistant Bishop for Youth. Both bishops were consecrated to the episcopate by Pope Shenouda on 15 June 1997. The other three candidates are all priest-monks: Abouna Raphael Ava Mina, Abouna Bakhomious El-Souriani and Abouna Seraphim El-Souriani. The absence of any diocesan bishops in this list will remove the wide concerns in the church that the election of diocesan bishops is uncanonical and against the fundamental traditions o...

Fall session notes from OCA Holy Synod

I've refrained from posting a few recent OCA announcements because they have been rather specifics-sparse. This posting is quite a bit more information dense. SYOSSET, NY ( OCA ) - The Holy Synod of Bishops met in plenary and closed sessions at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America here October 9-11, 2012. According to Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary, the following decisions were made by the members of the Holy Synod during their gathering, which was chaired by His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate, Locum Tenens of the Metropolitan See. The Holy Synod was briefed on the progress of various Synodal Commissions. In response to several clergy cases, it was noted that they cannot be considered until after the election of the new Metropolitan. The Holy Synod did review the list of parishes in need of assigned clergy and discussed possible candidates to fill the vacancies. The Holy Synod will prepare a statement on Christian L...