Fr. George Aquaro on recommending a man for seminary
This is the other half of Fr. George Aquaro's advice on seminary. The first installment has drawn a lot of attention and I expect this one to do the same. Enjoy. Many of the priests who are reading this are probably more experienced in this area than I am. Hopefully, what I am writing will not leave them wondering how I could dare type such drivel. Others may also read this and think back to their seminary days and say, “Yeah, I’ve seen a few of those guys. They didn’t last.” While bishops do the ordaining, and most jurisdictions have some kind of bureaucratic process where someone makes a file and stuffs it with paper, the truth is that the bishops rarely know much about the men they ordain beyond the observations of their parish priests, and, to some extent, their minders in seminary. The parish priest’s recommendation is by the far the most authoritative voice in the process. The parish priest, then, is the real ‘gatekeeper’ to ordination. It is a truly rare occasion...