Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Diaconate at a distance from OCA Midwest Diocese

CHICAGO, IL (OCA-MW) - Following trials with two Old Testament class groups and multiple locations, the Midwest Diocesan Catechist and Diaconal Vocations Program will now offer participation in larger classes through internet connection for those who do not have a local cadre of fellow students, or who do not have a local instructor. This increases the number of options available for instruction in cases where there is no local instructor for a certain area of study: either condensed sessions with a visiting instructor or the new online connection. While the internet connections are not always ideal, it allows the students to have a greater participation in the full-format seminars.

The next class session available through this format will be the Milwaukee sessions of the Spirituality class which, ideally, initiates the curriculum cycle of 7 courses in the Diocesan Program. These begin on February 9th. If you wish to attend, please notify Fr. Elijah Mueller, the Program Director and instructor for this course at 312-714-9775 or frelijah@uchicago.edu. A printable flyer is available here (PDF).

The Midwest Diocese Catechist & Diaconal Vocation Program looks to help local parishes and Deaneries within the diocese to set up high quality, rigorous continuing education programs to train men and women to assist in parish and deanery ministries. Additional program information can be accessed here.


  1. As an instructor in Biblical studies for the program, I welcome any questions regarding our Biblical curriculum. I can be reached at ejobe@uchicago.edu

    -Eric P. Jobe
    Ph.D. candidate,
    The University of Chicago

  2. Let's hope this leads to the ordination of deaconesses.
