New facelift not up to Joan Rivers standards

So the new website needs a bit of attention. Wide browser windows break the navigation bar, there are some trackers I wish weren't in use, the top bar cuts off content because they aren't clearing the top of the pages correctly, and many of the things I've had linked to for years are now broken. It's also rather "mobile friendly" in organization at the expense of the usability for people on normal desktops. ( ) - Beloved clergy and faithful of the Antiochian Archdiocese: Greetings in the Name of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray this letter finds you well at the start of our Lenten journey. Wednesday, February 28, 2018 marks a new beginning, a relaunch, for the Archdiocesan website: We have a much cleaner look and feel, and are now friendlier for mobile devices for faster access to its wealth of materials, news and resources. Without doubt, the most-accessed resource on the website is the Online Liturg...