A little Georgian... in Oklahoma

H/T: Monomakhos PIEDMONT, Okla. ( Enid News ) — Prayers of the faithful, the words of Scripture and the fragrance of incense once again fill the sanctuary at the former St. Joseph monastery west of Edmond, now reopened as an Eastern Orthodox monastery. The former Roman Catholic monastery, which was built for the Discalced Carmelite nuns in 1985, had been closed and listed for sale, and was purchased earlier this year by monks under the Georgian Orthodox Patriarchate of North America. It reopened on Thanksgiving Day as St. Iakovos “New Studion,” with Bishop Saba celebrating the Divine Liturgy and enthroning Archimandrite Athanasios as the monastery’s first abbot. The Georgians might be the least online jurisdiction in the US. I say that, but you can get some nice coffee from St. Nina's Monastery or set up a visit with them. My family did so recently and found the trip quite rewarding. The News & Eagle visited the new monastery on Dec. 20, for the celebration of the Divine Litur...