Friday, May 13, 2011

Malankara Catholicos of the East arrives in Dallas

DALLAS ( - Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulose II arrived at Dallas Fortworth International Airport today. The Holy Father’s arrival is in connection with the consecration of St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, Dallas.

Metropolitan of the Diocese of South West America Alexios Mar Eusebius and Metropolitan of the Diocese of Nilackal Dr. Joshua Mar Nichodemus, Fr. Shinoj George, Fr. Mathew Alexander, Fr. Thampan Varghese, vicar of St. Mary’s Orthodox Church Dallas, Trustee Prince Zachariah, Secretary Roy Thomas, General Convenor, Consecration Committee Rusk Jacob, and a large body of faithful were also present at the Airport to accord a memorable welcome to the Supreme Spiritual Head of the Malankara Church.

The Holy Father went to the Church thereafter. The Pontiff’s flight, which was to arrive at Dallas yesterday in the evening was canceled due to rain at Houston, which delayed his arrival by several hours.

A befitting welcome is planned at St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, Dallas on Friday, May 13 at 6.00 pm.

Metropolitan of Thiruvananthapuram Diocese Dr. Gabriel Mar Gregorios,
Metropolitan of Sultan’s Battery Diocese Dr. Abraham Mar Epiphanios,
Metropolitan Alexios Mar Eusebius and Metropolitan Dr. Joshua Mar Nichodemus will attend the function.

A choir trained and led by Fr. Dr. M.P. George and other various ways of Malayalee traditional welcome are arranged in honor of the Catholiocos.

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