Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Church of tomorrow... today?

From the AOI blog a list of predictions on the Church many years in the future. Here's a snippet of the discussion. For a list of his predictions, do go to the article.

Back in 2008, Fr. John Peck penned the essay “The Orthodox Church of Tomorrow,” a bold and somewhat audacious prediction of the future of the American Orthodox Church in the next decade and beyond. Response was swift ranging from praise to reproof to outright condemnation. Clearly Fr. John had struck a nerve.

Three years later it’s worth taking a second look to see if Fr. Peck was correct...

... Fr. John believed that it would take twenty years before his predictions took root. I think he overshot the mark. In three short years we already see some of them taking place, particularly the rooting out of moral corruption like active homosexuality and financial misdealing to the elevation of more stable and mature bishops. This is especially evident in the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) where the election of Met. Jonah, a moral traditionalist, has brought the hidden sympathy and accommodation towards homosexual ideology into sharper relief. It's an issue that won't go away soon and one that other jurisdictions will eventually face, especially the Greek Orthodox Church (GOA)...

Complete article here.

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