Monday, August 15, 2011

NY diocese revitalization effort "Project Buffalo" a success

An amazing project. If anyone doubted Bp. Michael was a man of vision with the ability to motivate people, this should allay their concerns.

(OCA-NYNJ) - Operation Buffalo is marching toward “mission accomplishment” as an impressive army of volunteers from every deanery of the diocese (New York State, New Jersey, New York City) has been working shoulder-to-shoulder in an inspiriting display of unity and love. Some volunteers work a single day, several have worked 3-5 days or more, and still others return for a second “tour of duty” having been so enthused by what they experienced.

Volunteers continue to arrive daily. Scheduled to conclude on August 13th, the scope of work has been breathtaking and the results spectacular. Working diligently with the laity and clergy volunteers has been the newly assigned parish rector, Father Vlad Zablotskyy. “This is unbelievable,” said Father Vlad, “no one has ever seen anything like this before.”

The frequent and inspiring presence of Bishop Michael on-site has made it very evident that there is a commitment from the diocesan Archpastor to follow through on the goal of restoring and revitalizing the 117 year-old parish in Buffalo.

1 comment:


    for photo slide show!
