Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Mount Athos and Greece on same-sex unions

It seems that Orthodoxy has decided to go another way than the Catholic Church. Or, said more correctly, it has stayed the course. The OCA's statement can be found here.

(Orthodox Times) The Holy Community of Mount Athos has urged the Greek government to refrain from enacting legislation regarding same-sex marriage and the adoption of children by same-sex couples.

In their statement, the Holy Community firmly declares, “Any form of marriage or adoption that contradicts evangelical teachings and the enduring traditions of our pious nation and heritage stands in complete opposition to us, particularly concerning the sanctity of the traditional family.”

Read the full announcement below:

Following recent discussions regarding the Greek Government’s proposal to legalize marriage for same-sex couples and their potential adoption of children, our Holy Community voices profound concern echoed by all Athonite Fathers.

Mount Athos, a sanctuary of prayer and asceticism, holds a humble reverence for all humanity as the divine image. Yet, we express our deep distress and concern regarding the proposed legislation.

We emphasize unequivocally through this announcement that any form of marriage or adoption that contradicts evangelical teachings and the enduring traditions of our pious nation and heritage stands in complete opposition to us, particularly concerning the sanctity of the traditional family.

We earnestly implore the Greek Government to reconsider the announced legislation, as it opposes the evangelical doctrines. We beseech the Most Holy Theotokos, the Protector of our homeland and Mount Athos, to intercede to our Lord Jesus Christ for the guidance of all towards repentance and a life in accordance with the divine light of the Gospel and God’s teachings.

All Representatives and Overseers present at the Joint Meeting of the twenty Holy Monasteries of Mount Athos.

And also...

(Orthodox Times) - The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece issued an Encyclical expressing its clear positions regarding the issue of same-sex marriage and adoption.

Clarifying that it does not disagree with civil marriage between individuals of the same sex, as it emphasizes that civil marriage, in general, is indifferent to the sex of couples and is something that does not concern Orthodox Christian tradition, it highlights its disagreement on two issues.

Specifically, it “disagrees with same-sex parenting because it does not satisfy the rights of children to have both a father and a mother, and secondly, it disagrees with same-sex marriage because it leads to same-sex parenting (the extension of marriage to same-sex couples is not legally permissible, excluding them from the right to adoption that currently applies to married couples).”

The Church of Greece further emphasizes that children should not be used as a tool of activist pressure. It states, “Children are neither pets for anyone who wants to feel like a guardian, nor “accessories” that will legitimize or make socially acceptable a same-sex cohabitation.”

It sends a message to the government, underscoring that “the democratic state is not obliged to yield to the personal demands of individuals with political power, economic influence, or privileged access to the media, who believe they are entitled to raise a child with their same-sex partner, overlooking the issue of whether their private life choices ensure an environment of standards and roles that satisfy the needs of a child.”

The Encyclical of the Holy Synod also highlights that “as explained by the European Court of Human Rights, concerning adoption, the state must provide a suitable family environment for a child to grow up in, rather than provide children to anyone who wants to become a parent. In the context of adoption, the priority is the best interest of the child who lacks parents or suitable parents, not the opinion of the adult who believes they are suitable as a parent.”

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