Friday, January 5, 2024

Break in communion healed between Antioch & Jerusalem

(Patriarchate of Jerusalem) - The Holy Synod was convened on Thursday, December 28, 2023, and was presided over by His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem.

During the meeting, His Beatitude discussed the painful events and challenging times in the Holy Land, especially in Gaza. Emphasizing the significance of the Church’s role both spirituality and financially, the members highlighted the importance of intensifying prayers to end the war. In light of the holy season of Christmas, the New Year, and the Divine Epiphany, they stressed the need to cease celebratory activities, focusing solely on customary religious services and prayers.

Regarding the Church’s practical role, His Beatitude commended Bishop Alexios and Archimandrite Silas for opening the doors of the church, monastery, and affiliated facilities to shelter the civilians in Gaza. The Holy Synod praised the distinctive role of the Bishop and the Archimandrite, an integral part of our Church’s national duty throughout history.

The discussion also included the importance of providing continued support and aid to meet the bare essential humanitarian needs in these harsh conditions. The Synod applauded the efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah II and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in delivering aid to the people of Gaza. The Synod also acknowledged Bishop Makarios’s report on his humanitarian mission to assist Gaza residents through Egypt, supported by the government of Qatar.

His Beatitude and the Holy Synod exchanged messages with His Beatitude  John X, Patriarch of Antioch, regarding the restoration of ecclesiastical communion with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. They welcomed this decision, emphasizing the importance of reinforcing fraternal relations between the sisterly patriarchates of Antioch and Jerusalem.

Additionally, they discussed the visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Athanasius Fahd and Metropolitan Ephrem of Aleppo to Jordan, expressing gratitude for the Antiochian Church’s generous support of $42,700 for our brethren in Gaza.

The Synod deliberated on various internal and external matters, making the following decisions:

1. Reconfirming the appointment of His Eminence Archbishop Philoumenos of Pella as the head of the Monastery of the Apostles in Tiberias, with Monk Basilios assisting during the Archbishop’s absence for further studies at Thessaloniki University.

2. Appointing Archimandrite Benedictus Kayyal, Hegoumen of the Monastery of Cana, as a member of the Ecclesiastical Court of Nazareth.

3. Approving the appointment of Father Nicolas Dawood for one year to serve our community in the United States through the Patriarchal Representation.

4. Approving the ordination of monk Alexander as a deacon.

5. Granting permission to the deacon Evlogios to pursue higher education in the United States.

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