Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Palm Sunday in the Ethiopian Church

Monday, April 29, 2024

ROCOR defrocks clergy who left for EP

The process of accepting clergy without proper release is happening in both directions. It is almost as if both sides prefer to take clergy without the paperwork. 

(Orthochristian) - At its session on March 5, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia dealt with the issue of a number of clerics who departed from ROCOR and joined the Slavic Vicariate of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America without a canonical release.

In particular, the Synod considered the cases of Abbot Tikhon (Gayfudinov), Archpriest Andrei Pastukh, Archpriest Edward Chervinsky, and Protodeacon Vladimir Oliynyk, “who wrought disturbance in the church life of several diocesan parishes.”

The Synod reports:

Having discussed the resolution and the circumstances of their cases comprehensively, including actions undertaken by all four that have been a cause of temptation for both clergy and flock, to the point of departing beneath the omophorion of a separate jurisdiction without a release from their ruling bishop, it is with sorrow that the Synod of Bishops adopts the following resolution, provided here in brief:

To ratify the resolution of the Spiritual Court of the Eastern American Diocese regarding the laicization of the former Abbot Tikhon (Gayfudinov), Archpriest Andrei Pastukh, Archpriest Edward Chervinsky, and Protodeacon Vladimir Oliynyk.

OrthoChristian reported last April on former Igumen Tikhon (Gayfudinov), who not only personally switched jurisdictions, but took the Holy Protection Skete in Buena Vista Township, New Jersey, with him.

A lawsuit is currently underway concerning the monastery property.

The head of the Slavic Vicariate, former Archimandrite Alexander (Belya), is also suing the ROCOR Synod of Bishops, the Eastern American Diocese, and a number of other ROCOR clerics after he failed to secure his election as Bishop of Miami in the summer of 2019.

The Vicariate was then created in 2020 as a haven for Belya, who was defrocked by ROCOR after he abandoned the jurisdiction without a canonical release. GOARCH has tried to make Belya a bishop, but the hierarchs of other jurisdictions have loudly protested.

His father, former Archpriest Alexander Belya, also left ROCOR and was later defrocked together with several clerics who followed him.

On Bridegroom Matins

(Antiochian) - On Sunday night of Holy Week, we pray the first of three Bridegroom Matins. For Holy Week all of the services are done half a day earlier than normal out of heightened anticipation (for example, on Sunday evening we are praying the service for Monday morning). The main hymn of Bridegroom Matins is a reflection based on Matthew 24:42, "Watch therefore for you know not the hour when the Lord will come," and Matthew 25:6, "At midnight the cry was made, 'behold the Bridegroom comes.'"

Behold the Bridegroom comes in the middle of the night; and blessed is the servant whom He shall find vigilant; and unworthy is he whom he shall find heedless. Beware, therefore, O my soul that you not be overcome by sleep, lest you be given up to death and be shut out of the Kingdom. Wherefore, rouse yourself crying out: Holy, Holy, Holy are you our God, through the intercessions of the Theotokos save us! (The ending changes slightly each time.)

This hymn, sung three times in a row at each Bridegroom Matins service, reminds us that each of us must remain vigilant in our relationship with God. Sleep represents the attitude of not caring, of not anticipating or longing for the awareness of God's presence in our life. This hymn specifically, and all of Holy Week generally, reminds us that just as the same crowd that shouted "Hosannah" this morning will five days later be shouting "Crucify Him," so we too, if we are not vigilant and attentive to our souls, we too can fall away and miss the coming of God in our lives.

Each Bridegroom Matins service has different themes focusing on various aspects of the last week of Christ's ministry. The first night we focus on the Patriarch Joseph, who is considered the most perfect prefiguring of Christ's innocence and unjust suffering. We also remember the cursed fig tree. The fig tree represents the Jewish nation to whom Jesus had come (for Jesus is a Jew). However, when Jesus came to His people, He found only the outward forms of religion (leaves) but not the fruit of true religion: mercy, truth and compassion. And so we are reminded that just as many years ago Jesus cursed the fig tree with leaves and no fruit, so today we are not safe if we have only the outward appearance of piety and religion but are not also cultivating its fruit.

These are somber themes, but they are meant to be somber. We are going with Christ to the Cross. But even so, the shouts of "Hosannah!" are still ringing in our ears from this morning and the anticipation of the resurrection is beginning to glow dimly in our hearts.

Friday, April 26, 2024

University of St. Katherine closes its doors


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"Homilies on the Divine Liturgy" by Hieromartyr Seraphim Zvezdinsky published

(UMP) - These homilies, so full of light, hope, and witness to the Lord Jesus, were proclaimed during the dark times of fierce Soviet persecution in the early 20th century. In the year 1926, during his exile in Diveyevo, St. Seraphim delivered over twenty homilies on the deep grace and life present in the Divine Liturgy. These homilies were recorded in writing by the servant of God, Tatyana Artsybusheva and subsequently preserved for the faithful in samizdat form. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the homilies were formally published for the general edification of the Orthodox faithful.

Overflowing with the hope of immortality in the face of passing mortality, these homilies will edify, strengthen, and illumine the reader. Full of love and respect for the living tradition and history of the Divine Liturgy, St. Seraphim instructs and calls his listeners to enter deeper into Christ Jesus, who is the eternal Sun burning deep at the center of the Divine Liturgy and filling it with His grace and life. ​​​​​​​Overflowing with the hope of immortality in the face of passing mortality, these homilies will edify, strengthen, and illumine the reader. Full of love and respect for the living tradition and history of the Divine Liturgy, St. Seraphim instructs and calls his listeners to enter deeper into Christ Jesus, who is the eternal Sun burning deep at the center of the Divine Liturgy and filling it with His grace and life. – Fr. Zechariah Lynch

Flowery Sunday cometh!

O Gentiles, why did you snort in rage? And you, O Scribes and Priests,
why did you engage in empty things,
saying: “Who is this to whom the children, 
waving the palm leaves and branches, cry out in hymns of praise:
‘Blessed is the One who comes
in the name of the Lord our Savior.’”

God is the Lord, and He appeared to us.
O Christians, appoint a feast, and with exultant joy
come and let us magnify the Christ,
waving our palm-leaves and branches, crying aloud in hymns:
“Blessed is the One who comes
in the name of the Lord our Savior.”

Paideia Conference - May 29 - June 1, 2024!

PAIDEIA is holding their second annual conference in May. This time the topic is "Orthodoxy and Culture." It will be held at the Antiochian Village in Pennsylvania and the list of topics and speakers would need a literal kontax to list out all of them.  I encourage everyone to go who has either never been to the village before, never attended a theological conference before, or has interest in any of the myriad topics scheduled. Registration available here.

Here's a sampling of some of the talks:

  • David Ford, “Some Further Probing of the Mysteries of Male and Female in Marriage and in the Church”
  • Matthew Forrest Long, “The Art of Living: Orthodox Life and Human Well-being”
  • Nate Placencia, “The Philosophy of Race and Orthodox Anthropology”
  • Pdn. Brian Patrick Mitchell, “Gender and Ordination: Male and Female as Archic and Eucharistic Modes of Relation”
  • Jesse Cone, “Against ‘The Self’”
  • Mary Ford, “Conversion and Black Swans: The Role of Culture (Especially Literature) in Belief and Loss of Faith”
  • Dcn. Sampson Nash, “Identity, Sex, Gender, and Healing: Toward Orthodox Healing of Contemporary Maladies”
  • Sister Sidonia, “The Honeycomb in the Heart: Cultivating Awareness and Communion with God by Calling Upon His Name”
  • Joseph (Rico) Vitz, “A Strategic Eastern Alliance: Non-Ecumenical Reflections on Confucianism, Orthodoxy, and American Culture” 
A complete list of talks is available here.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

If you are Antiochian, this video will make your day

As the Antiochian Archdiocese rebounds from an international scandal, it should be a point of pride and cause for no little delight to watch the below. 

Have you been praying for true monasticism in America? It's coming.

  • Measured in months, look to Memphis for this effort to begin. But, also look to your own children because Met. Saba is clear that families need to support their own going to the monasteries.

Have you been praying for growth in the church? Missions are being planted.

  • A sure sign of health is the planting of missions in one register and the continued life of existing parishes in the other. 

Have you been praying for more bishops to guide the archdiocese? Keep praying.

  • Met. Saba is clear that the archdiocese needs new bishops, but they need to not be cause for more instability. They need to be trained properly.

Further effort will be put into Christian education.

  • This will be my sole point of contention with this video. If you were to make a pie chart about how much Christian education was unique to a jurisdiction, it would be a very small slice. Almost all of it is the shared patrimony of the entire Orthodox Church. And yet we continue to have departments of Christian education divided by jurisdiction or even diocese for no good reason. We repeat things, we don't share graphics or curricula or timely offerings, and we put out an inferior product as a result. If you want to search and replace for specific terms in texts, it makes perfect sense to call something an epitaphios or a plashchanitsa or a naash for particular consumption but that should not stop us from working together. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

An end to the Zoghby Initiative

Metropolitan Elias (Zoghby) was a vocal proponent of the "Orthodox in communion with Rome" idea that many Greek Catholics in America have subscribed to. At the same time I remember speaking to Archbishop Basil (Schott) of the Ruthenian archeparchy who described Greek Catholicism as neither Roman nor Orthodox, but its own "third way." Honestly, there are as many identities of what it means to be Greek Catholic as their are people you'll run into on any given Sunday at one of their parishes. As this article states later:

"This option, for us Melkite Greek Catholics, means a reorientation. Even today, we counted ourselves as interlocutors between the Catholic and Orthodox sides and we said of this dialogue that we were the bridge that connects them. But the failure of the initiative in the way that it happened blocked the path and posed questions for us that we should not be afraid to put a finger on now: Does this failure threaten our mission? Do we remain suspended over the bridge that we have built? Has the time not come for us to plant our feet on this or that side of the river?"

It was always hoped by some that the Melkite Church could form a bridge between the two larger groups of Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Still others considered the very existence of "Uniatism" to be an added impediment to that hoped for unity. It seems there has been a decided pivot in a new direction. Where it will go I do not know.

(Notes on Arab Orthodoxy) - A response to Patriarch John X's speech at Balamand last October and for Patriarch Absi's very clear statement that from his perspective "in dogma and canon law, we are Catholics, and in liturgy and sacramental life we are Byzantines", quite different from the vision of "Orthodox in communion with Rome" sometimes promoted among followers of the late Metropolitan Elias Zoghby.

The Speech of His Beatitude Yusuf in Honor of Metropolitan Yusuf al-Klas

Sunday, April 7, 2024

al-Liqa' Centre, Rabwa, Lebanon

My speech today at this gathering in honor of His Eminence, the beloved brother and father Yusuf al-Klas, former metropolitan of Beirut, Jbeil and the dependencies for the Melkite Catholics, centers on the book that he has worked for months to prepare together with the Rev Basilian Fr Nicholas Bustros under the supervision of the Rev Fr Gabi Hachem, which was published about a week ago with the title The Effort for Fraternal Reconiciliation in Antioch: History and an Analysis of the Initiative of the Melkite Greek Catholic Synod, 1996-1997. The book and my speech are thus both abut the initiative that was born in the mind and heart of His Eminence Metropolitan Elias Zoghby, of thrice-blessed memory, which was adopted by our church's synod and proposed to the Synod of the Byzantine Antiochian Orthodox Church.

The initiative that we are discussing is, in short, for the Melkite Catholics to belong at the same time to the Catholic Church and to the Byzantine Antiochian Orthodox Church, for them to have a double affiliation, such that the desired unity between them and the Greek Orthodox takes place while they remain in communion with the Catholic Church. Nevertheless, they did not precisely or finally define how this affiliation would be in practice and how it would be arranged, remaining content to make some observations...

Complete article here.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Elevation to chorepiscopi in the Malankara Church

By way of explanation...

  • What is a "Chorbishop"? Historically, a rural bishop that served many of the functions of a bishop without the full authority to do all things a normal bishop might do. It died out in the West and in Orthodoxy, but remains in Oriental Orthodoxy and elsewhere.
  • What is a a "Valiyapally"? A "principal church" - a title given to a main church in a diocese of the Christian denominations Jacobite Syrian Christian Church, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church,Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Metropolitan Saba on better serving the people of the archdiocese

First, I have to commend the Antiochian archdiocese for the quality of this video production. As I have said before, some jurisdictions do amazing work while others are stuck in the '90s.

It cannot be easy to come in after the scandal and the legal battle that followed so these sit-down talks are important. It is interesting to see that deacons are being considered for expansion and an expanded role. As almost no one pays their deacons, will this growth spur a change there?

Monday, April 1, 2024

EP calls different Paschal dates a "scandal"

(Orthodox Times) - Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew extended in his homily his heartfelt wishes to all the non-Orthodox Christians who celebrated the Holy Easter on Sunday, March 31, after presiding over the Sunday Divine Liturgy at the Church of Saint Theodore of the Community of Vlanga.

“On this day, the timeless message of the Resurrection resonates more profoundly than ever, as our non-Orthodox Christian brethren and sisters commemorate the resurrection of our Lord from the dead, celebrating Holy Easter. We have already sent our representatives to all the Christian Communities of the confessions here, to extend our heartfelt wishes of the Holy Great Church of Christ and our Patriarchal congratulations.

But also from this position we extend a heartfelt greeting of love to all Christians around the world who celebrate Holy Easter today. We beseech the Lord of Glory that the forthcoming Easter celebration next year will not merely be a fortuitous occurrence, but rather the beginning of a unified date for its observance by both Eastern and Western Christianity. What does this mean?

This aspiration is particularly significant in light of the upcoming 1700th anniversary in 2025, marking the convening of the First Ecumenical Synod in Nicaea. Among its pivotal discussions was the matter of establishing a common timeframe for the Easter festivities. We are optimistic, as there is goodwill and willingness on both sides. Because, indeed, it is a scandal to celebrate separately the unique event of the one Resurrection of the One Lord!

Earlier, on the occasion of the feast of Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessaloniki, the Ecumenical Patriarch noted:

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Shuffling of hierarchs in the GOA

BOSTON (TNH via OCL) – Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver has resigned and the Synod of the Phanar in Constantinople, with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presiding, has elected him Metropolitan of Lystra, an honorary position.

The National Herald in its publication on Friday, March 15, 2024, titled ‘Eparchial Synod Meets, Elect Two new Bishops for Archdiocese of America’ also reported on other matters addressed by the Synod and revealed, among other things, the following: “Extensive discussion took place regarding Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver, who has been residing for several months now at the Monastery of the Archangels in Kendalia, TX, and not in his Metropolis while refusing to resign. The Metropolis of Denver is essentially being governed and administered by Auxiliary Bishop Constantine of Sasima.”

TNH also reported that “it was decided at the Eparchial Synod of the Archdiocese of America that Archbishop Elpidophoros would visit him [Met. Isaiah] at the Monastery in Texas, conduct an on-site inspection, and diagnose his overall condition to determine whether he is able to fulfill his episcopal duties, and based on this, the Synod would make a decision.”

Archbishop Elpidophoros visited the Monastery in Texas where Metropolitan Isaiah resides on Thursday, March 21, and received his resignation, which he conveyed to Patriarch Bartholomew.

Australia gains eparchial synod

(EP-AU) - It is with profound praise and gratitude to the Triune God, that the Holy Archdiocese of Australia cements its ecclesiological existence, relevance, and maturity, through the acquisition of its very own Eparchial Synod. Through God’s Grace, the Holy Archdiocese of Australia will have its own Synod of Bishops, glory be to God for all things! In response to our vast nation with its prominent regional areas, our synod will consist of an Archbishop together with his suffragan bishops. Such a precious gift from God, as ratified in principle in the rules of the Holy Archdiocese’s new Constitution, is a cause of celebration for all the faithful living in the Antipodes. The pioneering work towards this sacred task came through the vision and steadfastness of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, whose illuminating wisdom, selfless stewardship, and pastoral solicitude, materialised into a Constitution that elevates the Holy Archdiocese of Australia into an ecclesiastical realm that not only best responds to the needs of its faithful but also completes all that is lacking in our Holy Archdiocese’s witness and ministry. For now, and forever, our Holy Archdiocese is secured and equipped for all that is, and for all that will ensure, all for the providential glory of God and our salvation. We are all eternally grateful to His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and the honourable Synodical Hierarchs of our Ecumenical Patriarchate, for approving in principle our new Constitution and thank them for their continuous prayers and guidance.

Scripture and Tradition in the Church – The Synod of Bishops

It is true that the basis of the Orthodox Church’s theological teachings is founded upon the dual authority of Scripture and tradition (παράδοσις), especially when the latter has to do with the lives of holy men and women of the past. Scripture is not juxtaposed to tradition, like equal measures of weight on a balanced scale, but rather is constitutive of tradition. On the other hand, as fundamental as Scripture is to tradition’s existence, it is certainly not exhaustive of tradition. Tradition rather is the culmination of the written and the unwritten (ἄγραφα) sources of witness, a heritage handed on from one person to another. In this sense, tradition, is the body of knowledge belonging to the whole church, and includes “the apostolic traditions” (ἀποστολικαὶ παραδόσεις) and “the teachings of the Fathers” (τὰ τῶν Πατέρων δόγματα). When the Fathers of the Church sensed that a divergence from tradition had taken place they would emphatically proclaim: “This was not what that holy and God-beloved synod had in mind.”[1] It was left to the synod of bishops to “canonically and legally promulgate” truths through a “synodical letter” (τῷ συνοδικῷ γράμματι κανονικῶς καὶ ἐνθέσμως δεδογματισμένοις).[2]

AFR tackles Chalcedon

Scheduled for Apr 2, 2024 - Ancient Faith Today - Two Natures: Examining Chalcedon and Communion

Most of us know about the Great Schism, which tragically divided the Christian Church between East and West in 1054. But there was another earlier division in the 5th century following the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon in 451, which clarified how Jesus is both God and man. What specifically separates us theologically? What efforts have been made to better understand each other in recent decades? On the next special edition of Ancient Faith Today, Fr. Tom Soroka and John Maddex will take a deep dive into the causes of our division and what any path to unity might involve. The conversation will not downplay any theological concerns but rather shed a light on those concerns giving us a better grasp on what is at stake. Scholars participating include: Dr. Sam Noble, Dr. David Ford, Fr. Joseph Lucas, Dr. Emmanuel Gergis, Christine Chaillon, Fr. Timothy Thomas, Fr. Chad Hatfield, and Dr. Peter Bouteneff.⁠


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