Circumcision of Christ

[Long Post Warning] What strikes many people as odd on reading the Gospels is that Christ did so many things that one wouldn't associate with a supreme being. Why did he need to be baptized? Why did he have to go to the temple? Why circumcise him while you're at it? Were there two natures so separate that the mortal coil had to be put through its paces even as the divine essence watched passively or pulled the puppet strings? Accepting the idea of a "ransom" could he not have lived and died without running through what would seem to be unnecessary activities? The feast day summary I found answers this better (and with more succinctness) than I can. As Christ wished to fulfil the law and to show His descent according to the flesh from Abraham, He, though not bound by the law, was circumcised on the eighth day (Luke 2.21), and received the sublime name expressive of His office, Jesus, (Saviour). He was, as Saint Paul says, "made under the law", that is, He su...