Friday, April 4, 2008

Eastern Christian Blog Awards?

Pondering putting a site together with submission ability and polls to vote for best Eastern blogs in different categories. Should be relatively easy to do. Anyone with thoughts, a position, boos or hissing, etc. on the topic? I might have to use a slightly modified Eirenikon Church Nomenclature and Civility policy so people don't throw rolled up calendars at one another or write anathematizing comment box screeds, but the number of blogs and podcasts has grown sufficiently of late that there would be enough submittable publications to field 10 or so awards. Do comment, please.


  1. Interesting idea, Josephus! A sort of counterbalance to the Catholic Blog Awards, which are almost completely Latin dominated.

  2. Maybe I'll stand a chance in this one. Not that awards mean anything or or anything... =)

  3. Maybe I'll stand a chance in this one. Not that awards mean anything or or anything... =)
