Thursday, March 12, 2009

Follow-up on CT Catholic-bashing

1 comment:

  1. I did not realize what cross-burning hicks those Connecticut Nutmeggrerers were! I thought such anti-Cotholicism was restricted to the Mountains of Arkansas, where baths are optional and a sister is a good choice for a spouce! Talk about Backwoods Hillbillies!

    Seriously, the Catholics should go on the offessive here agents the legislators over the Religious Right's issue. Pastor Matin Niemoller's Poem comes to mind:

    They [The Nazis] came for the Communists, and I

    didn't object - For I wasn't

    a Communist;

    They came for the Socialists, and I

    didn't object - For I wasn't a Socialist;

    They came for the labor leaders, and I

    didn't object - For I wasn't a labor leader;

    They came for the Jews, and I didn't

    object - For I wasn't a Jew;

    Then they came for me -

    And there was no one left to object.

    Martin Niemoller, German Protestant Pastor,


    I emphasize that WE MUST IMPOSE COSTS if we are to put and end to such Anti-Christian Activity. I also add that in Moslem countries. Christians have no rights, and that Islamic Govenrments like Saudi Arabia and Iran who do not acknowlege these God Given Rights should not expect to have their sovreignty respected.
