Monday, May 11, 2009

Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Women's Monastery

The OCA, initially under Archbishop Dmitri but also with the enthusiast support of Metropolitan Jonah, is trying to finance the purchase of farmland to begin a monastic community. I've been to the property and it is quite nice.

(OCA) - We rejoice in this Paschal season with you and praise God He has brought us here. It was just before Great Lent began that Metropolitan Jonah and the newly retired Archbishop Dmitri blessed the beginning of this monastery. We have met many new people and we are thankful for your friendship, prayers and support.

The negotiations continue with the property for the monastery. We have received many blessings throughout the process and the down payment is the final negotiation on the table. Fr. John assures us everything is going well and asks our continued prayers and support. The monastery needs about $25,000.00 to finalize the purchase and move into the home.

The founding of a monastery is a great blessing. We know that times are tough. We are thankful to God because we know that we need Him and ask Him to bless every step of this process. "Thine own of Thine own we offer unto Thee." We call upon God to help us to find the resources to bear fruit during this time of growth. We are thankful for all that you have done and ask for your continued support. If you would like to make a donation please see "Donate" on the sidebar to the left.

Metropolitan Jonah will be coming soon to talk about the importance of the monastery. We don't even realize this great blessing that has come upon us. It is a hidden treasure that we must all participate in to behold.

We hope to see you at the ladies luncheon on May 9, 2009 for the next monastery event. Please see the "Upcoming Events" on the sidebar for more information. We still have a few tickets left.

Indeed! He has Risen!

Glory to God for all things,
Monastery Friends

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