Local news story on Holy Cross Monastery

(SF Examiner) - The Holy Cross Monastery is the subject of a feature vignette by local journalist Brian Hackney.

Hackney, one of several commentators for CBS5's "Eye on the Bay," stopped at the monastery in late March, surprised by the unexpected sight of an Orthodox retreat of solitude on his drive down the secluded Palomares Road.

Hackney spoke with Deacon (now Father) Stephen and learned why one might live at a monastery, a bit of the history of the monastery, and what the three monks do there.

The Holy Cross Monastery is in Castro Valley, very close to the Fremont border. The three brothers appreciate their privacy during the week, but they offer a Sunday morning Liturgy in their chapel that is open for others to attend.

The monastery is also accessible by phone (no calls after 9pm Pacific, please) and at their website. Reach them at (510) 581-2778 or at www.holycrossmonastery.org. You can also email the fathers at cybermonk@holycrossmonastery.org.


  1. That's an impressive monastery to only have 3 monks.

  2. I thought the same thing. Kudos to the benefactors I guess.


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