Update on Constantinople - UAOC talks

Constantinople (RISU) — Representatives of the Constantinople Patriarchate will discuss with the leadership of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) the possibility to “provide medicine to heal the wounds in the body of the Ukrainian Church.” RISU’s Ukrainian-language web site posted this story on September 30, 2009.

On September 28-30, 2009, in Fanari, the Holy Synod of the Constantinople Patriarchate held its session, which, in particular, dealt with the address of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. As a result, a special commission of the Constantinople Patriarchate will come to Ukraine to examine the situation in more detail.

RISU was told by a representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate that the Synod passed a decision to send to Ukraine a special commission to stay in Kyiv on October 4-5. Representatives of the commission are to meet with the head of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. During that meeting, the parties will discuss details of the address of the hierarchical council of UAOC to the Constantinople Patriarchate.


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