The Proskomedia in detail
I encourage all parents in particular and those interested in general to head over to the Orthodox Education blog for a detailed treatment of the Proskomedia. It would be excellent as a resource for parents of Eastern Christian scouts (as both the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic awards programs would make use of it), as a teaching moment for parents or Sunday school teachers, or for visitors who might be curious about the practice. If the term is unfamiliar to you, below is an explanation from Orthowiki:
The Proskomedia (sometimes referred to as prothesis or proskomide) is the Office of Oblation celebrated by the priest prior to the Divine Liturgy during which the bread and wine are prepared for the Eucharist. The Proskomedia is a prerequisite for the Divine Liturgy. The priest conducts the Office of Oblation behind the Iconostasis at the Table of oblation or Table of Preparation (also Prothesis, or sometime Proskomide) that is located to the left of the Altar Table. Proskomedia, when translated to English, means "preparation."
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