Thursday, February 4, 2010

A petition for a new bishop for the Midwest

CLEVELAND, OH (OCAMW) - With the blessing of His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH, Locum Tenens of the diocese, the district deans meeting here on Wednesday 4 February have asked that a special petition for the calling forth of an archpastor be added to the Augmented Litany at all Liturgical Services until the election of a new Diocesan Hierarch.

The petition reads:
Again we pray, O merciful Lord, that you will call forth for us an archpastor of wisdom and strength, blessing us with a bishop to care for the well-being of this diocese, to unite us in loving service to all, and to be a witness to the glory of Your Holy Name: we pray You, hear us and have mercy.


  1. FYI: It is in my parish in the OCA DOS.

  2. It's being said in our parish as well. I just listenend to two petitions for a new Bishop, prayed during our Vespers service and it is prayed at each Divine Liturgy. St. Sava's in Allen (used to be Plano, but we moved.)

  3. Maybe I've just missed it, but I can't remember ever having heard it. I'll ask. :)
