Copts leave Middle East Council of Churches

(OBL News) - The Coptic Church has relinquished membership in the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) after being accused of "treason" by Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos at the last council meeting held in Jordan on 19 April. Wow.

Coptic Pope Shenouda III has reportedly rejected offers by other member churches to mediate a resolution of the dispute.

At the April meeting, Theophilos denied Coptic representative Bishoi, secretary of te Coptic Holy Synod, a chance to defend his church.

The dispute initially arose after the majority of council members called for the dismissal of MECC Secretary-General Girgis Saleh--who had been nominated by the Coptic Church--for the many problems that plagued the council during his term in office.

Sources close to the Coptic Church say that Shenouda is demanding an official apology from Theophilos before he restores the church's membership in the council.


  1. Wow indeed. What a shame. Metropolitan Bishoy is a very senior and distinguished figure in the Coptic Church. No wonder the Patriarch is incensed (pun intended).


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