2010 Orthodox Conference of Missions and Evangelism

The podcasts for this annual event are worth listening to. While the event is an Antiochian Archdiocese' hosted event, it's very pan-Orthodox.

RAND RAPIDS, MI (OCA) - The annual Orthodox Conference on Missions and Evangelism will be held at Saint Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church here October 15-17, 2010.

The annual gathering, sponsored by the Department of Missions and Evangelism of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America [AOCA], will examine how the Church of the past evangelized the world and discuss how to put ancient proven methods into modern practice locally.

Speakers include Father Peter Gillquist, Chair of the AOCA's Department of Missions and Evangelism; Father Nicholas Triantafilou, President of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA; and Deacon Michael Hyatt, President and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing.

The registration fee, which includes Saturday meals and Sunday brunch, is $95.00. Lodging will be available at the Ramada Inn -- for reservations call 616-949-9222 and ask for the "Orthodox Conference on Missions and Evangelism" group rate.

To register or obtain additional information log on to www.antiochian.org/missions/conference.


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