Malankara Catholicos of the East abdicates

His Holiness Maran Mar Baselios Marthoma Didymos I
KOTTAYAM (IOH) - The great shepherd of Malankara decided to step down.

It is in a special session of the Holy Episcopal Synod that was convened at the Catholicate Palace, Devalokam, Kottayam, today that the Pontiff decided to disclose on his abdication.

“The Almighty allowed me to lead the Church for the last five years. Looking back, I consider everything as grace of God. I love the Church and the people of God. I also thank all of you, who stood as strong support to me during these years”, said the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan to the members of the Holy Episcopal Synod in the preface of his speech.

“For the rest of my life, I want to retreat in prayer and wish to set aside myself from all administrative responsibilities”, carried on the Catholicos.

Twenty Metropolitans including Dr. Geevarghese Mar Osthathios attended the meeting.

A meeting of the Holy Episcopal Synod will officially convene tomorrow. Details of the abdication will be released to the media thereafter.

The reigning Catholicos himself will consecrate his successor. With this His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Didymus I will have the rare honor of being the sole Catholicos of Malankara, who has been consecrated by his predecessor and of consecrating his successor as well.

Historians will depict this father as the great skipper, who depended on the power of prayer than secular administrative skills to lead the children of God. Great meeting at Kottayam and two flawless Malankara Associations bear witness to the above said fact.


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