Friday, July 8, 2011

New OCL site to launch, expand volunteer opportunities

(OCL) - OCL will soon launch a new website that enables visitors to more actively interact with one another and with information about our Church. We are looking to create a national network of volunteers who can gather and post content, write up news stories, edit comments and forums, and perform all the associated tasks that go with maintaining an issues-oriented website. If you are interested in being part of this information network of volunteers, please contact OCL at We will provide you with more information so that you can make an informed decision.

Thank you for your consideration.

George Matsoukas, Executive Director
And also...
(OCL) - In the two decades that have elapsed since its founding, Orthodox Christian Laity has consistently endeavored to serve as a source of information and resources related to a strong canonical role for the laity, the promotion of good governance within the Church, and advocating for jurisdictional reunification of the Orthodox Church in North America. In addition, OCL has promoted as much as possible an ongoing dialog within the Orthodox community on these and other related issues. We believe that growth, maturation and positive change occur in the community when we can learn from each other, based on the fellowship of shared concerns and interests. More than simply disseminating information, Orthodox Christian Laity seeks to strengthen the Body of Christ by encouraging it to function as a cohesive unit with clear and helpful communication between the members.

With this in mind, we are truly pleased to announce a significant new milestone for Orthodox Christian Laity – the imminent launch of a completely new website, designed specifically for these two intertwining purposes – information and communication.

Even with an excellent new design, however, the real cost of putting up this site is going to be the people costs for editorial staffing. OCL does not have the budget to cover the cost of the staff of writers and editors that it would take to keep this site fresh, current and lively. So we are turning to our friends and supporters, and asking for your help.

While financial contributions are certainly always welcome, this time we are asking for donations of writing and editing skills. We need people who can commit to spending at least one hour per day on gathering and posting content, writing up news stories, editing comments and forums, and all the associated tasks that go with maintaining an issues-oriented website.

The new site will have a number of different sections, so we can utilize the talents of different contributors. There will be an expanded Orthodox News section, that covers general news about the Orthodox Church around the world. There will be a portion of the site devoted to ecclesiastical governance, transparency and accountability in North America, and we are anticipating paying close attention to the work of the Ecclesiastical Assembly. We will continue to post material relating to the proper and canonical role of the laity in the life of the Church. And we anticipate a lively but very civil dialog on these and related subjects in a moderated forum.
We are hoping to recruit a number of mature Orthodox Christians, who have good writing and editing skills, and share our desire to foster a broad sense of community across the numerous Orthodox jurisdictions active in America today. OCL has approved a comprehensive set of editorial guidelines, and will furnish oversight as needed, but we are hoping for volunteers who can work relatively independently. We have set up a process to make sure that all applications are kept in confidence by a very small working group of OCL Board members. If desired, the names of the editorial staff may be kept in confidence as well.

If you are interested in making this sort of contribution, please inquire by confidential email to initial application will be reviewed in complete confidence by only one person in preparation for an in-depth telephone interview, after which, with your permission, you may be interviewed by one or two OCL Board members. We are trying to make it easy for interested persons to inquire about the opportunity without concern about confidentiality.

We appreciate your consideration of this new opportunity to serve Christ and His Church, and ask your prayers that God will prepare the right people for this position.

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