Mark Stokoe of OCANews removed from positions

Reposted from an Orthodox news mailing list...

Mark Stokoe, the founder and editor of was removed officially today from his positions on the Midwest Diocesan Council and the OCA Metropolitan Council by Bishop Matthias. Mark Stokoe has indicated that he himself will make public the text of the bishop's letter of removal on tomorrow.


  1. The internet often does more harm than good.

  2. It is about time! Hopefully the same starts to happen with other rumormongers and those trying to "modernize" and "secularize" the Church, to make it in the image of modern men and the modern world!

  3. : Without even a hint of irony... really?

  4. Thank God. May this be good for his soul.

  5. Glory to the Lord! May God grand his servant Mark mercy and bless his servant the Bishop Matthias.

  6. Mark did the OCA a great service in opening up the financial problems of the OCA to the laity. Without his help these problems would not have been addressed.

  7. I think Mark Stokoe, as with almost all of us, is a mixed bag. Certainly, OCANews did a great deal to uncover some horrid things. However, the problem with a one-man-show is that it runs the risk of becoming about the man.

    By straying into a topic tangential to his own weakness, and using it to some degree as a defense of it, he pushed himself over the wobbly line he had been walking as an MC member and the perpetual outsider of OCANews.

    It will be interesting to see where this goes.

  8. Unknown: Yep. Don't shoot the messenger because he's ugly. It's hard to keep the issues separate.

  9. Gloating over Mr. Stokoe's dismissal, even with the disingenuous "may it be for the salvation of his soul" is unseemly, unChristian, and downright tacky.


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