Podcast on Orthodox Christian Parenting given in Houston

I encourage listening to these sessions. Fr. John Peck is a gifted speaker and St. Joseph's in Houston,TX is a blessed parish with a special place in my heart.

While I'm mentioning this podcast, I am glad to have the opportunity to also mention Fr. James Early's (assistant pastor of the parish) podcast "Teach Me Thy Statutes." Also, Fr. John is the administrator of a number of influential websites. Do take a gander:

(AFR) - On September 10, 2011, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church in Houston, Texas, hosted the 2011 Orthodox Christian Parenting Retreat. The speaker was Fr. John Peck, priest at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Prescott, Arizona, and the topic was “Orthodox Christian Parenting in the 21st Century."
Session One

Session One

Session One

Session One


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