Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cappella Romana and St. Vlad's seminarians sing together

Cappella Romana and the students of St. Vladimir's Seminary singing the Troparion for the Synaxis of the Archangels.

(SVOTS) - On the Feast of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Bodiless Powers, our campus community had the privilege of hearing one of the foremost chamber ensembles in the world, Cappella Romana, under the direction of Dr. Alexander Lingas, an alumnus of our seminary. The group, which is dedicated to exploration of the musical traditions of the Christian East and West, sang the services for the feast using music from the Byzantine tradition, and included seminarians from our Byzantine chapel choir in their ensemble.

Cappella Romana is visiting our campus for five days while in rehearsal for two East Coast concerts, one at Yale University and one at Brown University. During their rehearsals, our seminarians are welcome to join them in studying Medieval Byzantine Chant, gleaned from music used for the Vigil of St. Catherine at the Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, and from chants used for the Feast of Theophany, originating from the Holy Land and Constantinople.

"We will be studying the difference between the written notation on a page [of Byzantine music] and what one sings in terms of timing and vocal inflection—whether it appears on the paper or not!" said Dr. Lingas. "In other words, the relationship between the written score and realization and sound."

In 1990 Dr. Lingas studied Patristics and Liturgical Theology at St. Vladimir's under Protopresbyter John Meyendorff, former Dean, (+1992) and under Dr. Paul Meyendorff, current faculty member, respectively. "It it always a joy to come back to the seminary chapel where I spent so many hours as a student, alumnus, and friend of the seminary," Dr. Lingas said.

Visit our Facebook Page to hear more Cappella Romana in Three Hierarchs Chapel.

1 comment:

  1. I was once blessed to attend a wedding that Capella Romana did the music for - it was gorgeous.
