Notes from the Episcopal Assembly of the British Isles

(ROC-Sourozh) - On Thursday 24th November, the 4th meeting of the Pan-Orthodox Assembly of Bishops with Churches in the British Isles was held at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God of the Diocese of Sourozh. The meeting was preceded by a Moleben in front of the wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God «Surety of Sinners» brought to the Cathedral from the Church of St Nichlas in Khamovniki in Moscow. The representatives of all Orthodox Churches in Great Britain and Ireland worshiped the icon. The Diocese of Sourozh was represented by Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, Archbishop Anatoly of Kerch, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Sourozh, and Priest Joseph Skinner, Head of the Diocesan Department of Inter-Orthodox relations.

Among the issues important for all the Orthodox in the area the Assembly discussed transfers of clergy from one jurisdiction to another. A set of necessary preliminary conditions of transfers of clergy to other juristdictions was approved. These are the confirmation of the canonical perfection of the transfer by the Pan-Orthodox Pastoral Committee, at the moment headed by Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, and an addressed dismissal letter in case it is a necessary measure in the Church which leaves the cleric or in the Church which accepts the cleric. If none of these Churches has it as a necessary measure, the dismissal letter is given by the Diocesan Hierarch. This decision of the Pan-Orthodox Assembly of Bishops removes the possibility of misunderstandings which had taken place in the past when clergy were accepted to another juristdiction without an addressed dismissal letter.

The Assembly also discussed the issues concerning the service of deacons, university Orthodox Chaplains, approval of a single list of saints shown forth in the British Isles before the Great Schism in the 11th centuary and other important questions.

There was a brotherly meal in the hall of the Cathedral after the meeting of the Pan-Orthodox Hierarchal Assembly.


  1. "This decision of the Pan-Orthodox Assembly of Bishops removes the possibility of misunderstandings which had taken place in the past when clergy were accepted to another juristdiction without an addressed dismissal letter."

    An obvious reference to Constantinople's actions in England in 2006.

  2. Yes, indeed.

    But the Patriarchal Exarchate for Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe under Archbishop Gabriel of Comana has not been represented at any of the meetings of this Assembly which have taken place so far, despite the fact that the Exarchate is without doubt a canonical body.

    That said, the decision of the Assembly cannot remove the canonical right of a receiving Diocesan Bishop to come to his own judgement on the letters of release presented to him by a priest or deacon.


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