Russian Patriarchal Parishes administrator visits NY parish

On Sunday, December 11, with the blessing of Archbishop Demetrios (Ecumenical Patriarchate in the USA) and at the invitation of Alexander Karlutsosa, Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk visited the Church of the Dormition in Long Island, NY.


  1. Why do the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA even still exist? I don't have a problem with them but it strikes me as odd especially since ROCOR/Moscow/OCA are now playing nice. I have followed the PP's for years and I don't think they have grown a single parish anywhere in the USA. If they were active in the missionary fiels I'd say 'good for them' but they don't seem to do anything but sit there. Does anyone out there belong to a PP church and can explain their purpose?
    It may sound harsh but I say either 'grow or go', in other words join the OCA or ROCOR.


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