Monday, February 4, 2013

God Made a Farmer

I was a big fan of this video from the Super Bowl. It reminded me of a video (at bottom) I posted here years ago that is still very poignant to me. As a man from a family of farmers who have worked the Mississippi Delta for as far back as I can trace things (well before the War of Northern Aggression), to me a connection to the land is essential for the health of a people.


  1. War of Northern Aggression?
    Don't you mean the War of Southern Stupidity?
    sheesh! Get over your inferiority complex. You lost.

    1. Quite a few assumptions there. I don't remember losing a war that happened over a hundred years ago. I guess you could have let the term be or commented as you did.

  2. I think it better to let people calmly use whichever term which they consider accurate. I'll call it "the Civil War" because that is how my beliefs regarding the historical record run. You call it as you interpret events. That's fine. No need for anybody to resort to childish, rude namecalling, as did the earlier poster. Of course the war is over. . . . At any rate, my husband watched the ad last night and expressed his puzzlement as to why on earth all that preamble would make someone want to go purchase a truck. (He is in marketing research, which made his response humorous.)

  3. Well... I think denying Northern Aggression is as bad as denying the war was fought over slavery: It was by all accounts both and redeemable only because for steering a nation closer together that had bee drifting further and further apart. As for me, I prefer the more friendly and masterful understatement referring to the War as "The Recent Unpleasantness".

    What wasn't too far off the mark and brings this full circle is Today's divide is more universal than geographic: Urban vs. Rural among others. And in this, we've lost some of our distinctiveness.

  4. You may be interested in this commentary on the Super Bowl commercial:
    What the Ram truck ad missed about farming:

    1. When I wrote "to me a connection to the land is essential for the health of a people." the corporate takeover of farming was exactly what I was thinking about.

      Thanks for commenting.
