Watertown, MA church robbed

(Wicked Local) - Watertown Police reported that the a Greek Orthodox church in Watertown was robbed sometime between Wednesday night and Thursday morning. According to Watertown Police Lt. Michael Lawn, the thieves may have used the back door of the Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church in the heist.

According to Lawn, the robbers stole a safe, chalices and Holy Bibles from the church on Bigelow Avenue.

Lawn said the theft most liklely took place between 10 p.m. on Wednesday ant 8 a.m. on Thursday.

A represenative from the Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church would not comment on the case when contacted on Thursday afternoon.

"Somebody broke into the basement boileroom door on Elton Avenue," Lawn said. "They entered the church offices, ransacked the office, tipped over a counter top and stole the safe, which was bolted to the counter top and contained cash."

Lawn said the thieves also stole a number of chalices and Bibles off of the altar, and then carried the stash out the back door on Elton Avenue. He said that the robbers may have used a car or truck to complete the theft.
And also...
(Watertown Patch) - Days before Easter, thieves broke into the Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church and stole a safe, chalices and Holy Bibles. Well, months really.

Watertown Police are investigating the robbery which took place sometime between 10:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27 and 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 28, said Police Lt. Michael Lawn. While the church's main door is on Bigelow Avenue, police believe the break in occurred in a back door.

"Somebody broke into the basement boileroom door on Elton Avenue," Lawn said. "They entered the church offices, ransacked the office, tipped over a counter top and stole the safe containing cash."

The safe was bolted onto the counter top, Lawn said.

Along with the office, the thieves took religious items from the church.

"They stole numerous chalices and Bibles off the altar that are gold plated," Lawn said.

Police believe the items were carried out of the back entrance onto Elton Avenue, Lawn said.

"We believe it was carried to a car or a truck," Lawn said. "Anyone who saw anything suspicious overnight should call police."

Watertown Police can be contacted at 617-972-6500.


  1. It's very sad for all Christians when thieves have to stoop so low as to rob the Body of Christ to satisfy their selfish greed.

    May they rot in hell!


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