Ss. David, Basil, George, Manouel, & Alexios pray for us!

(OMHKSEA) - In July 2013, after a proposal made by His Eminence Metropolitan Paul of Drama, David Komnenos, last Emperor of Trebizond, Basil, George, Manouel (his sons) and Alexios (his nephew), were declared Saints, through an official Act of Canonization by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Their memory will be celebrated on 1th November, which is the date of their martyrdom.

Holy Martyr David was executed by the Ottomans in Constantinople together with his nephew and three of his sons on November 1, 1463.

In a manuscript, now treasured at the Ecumenical Patriarchate, we read:

“When David appeared to Sultan Mehmed II, Sultan gave him two choices: to renounce his faith and to spare his life or to kill him and his whole family. From this terrible proposal David chose the second option saying boldly to Sultan that: 'No torture is going to make me to renounce the faith of my fathers.' So David entered into eternity exchanging his royal crown with the wreath of martyrdom.”


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