Nutrition, mental health, and Orthodoxy

(YouTube) - Ms. Elizabeth Szlek explains that over the course time, treating patients suffering from trauma from an Orthodox Christian approach, she identified a whole category of mental health issues that were not related to trauma at all. With further research, she has recognized a strong link between nutritional deficiencies and mental health issues, leading her to pursue a degree in nutrition as well. Elizabeth shares her experience and study in this poorly-explored area of cross-research at Holy Trinity Seminary.


  1. I looked her up. She is a fan of Weston Price, so I immediately ruled her out as useful. Strange how this stuff persists in popularity.

  2. There are no perfect nutritional authors, so what is your big objection to Weston Price? He made a lot of astute observations, especially for his day & age.

    Much of what this lady is saying is in the Nourishing Traditions book by Sally Fallon, which is actually quite good.

    1. The claims are controversial. My impression over the years is that people are fairly black-and-white about Price and Fallon, either strongly believe or strongly reject. I really have not seen a middle ground about the claims. This is not the venue for discussing it in depth, though. :>)

  3. I'm writing as a family physician with a B.S. in human nutrition from Cornell University, and I don't think Price, Fallon or any single author has it all right, but Fallon certainly has some very good things to say that are, as you pointed out, counter-current. However, she cites a number of decent primary papers as supporting evidence & makes logical arguments.

    Sadly, most of the mainstream dietary recommendations are from the American Dietetic Association, which, unfortunately, is a wellspring of corporate science, and pretty much any claim that differs from theirs is considered "controversial".

    I'm not a Price or a Fallon wackadoo, but I'm simply pointing out that it may be a bit over-the-top to immediately rule this lady's presentation out on the basis of her obvious affinity for Price & Fallon. Facts are facts & the waters of nutritional science are muddy. Just sayin'.

  4. I hardly look to the ADA for help! As you say, though, "facts are facts" . . . nonetheless, there are "facts vs. facts".

    Thanks for your thoughts.

  5. Minimum of 4-5 liters of drinking water is necessary for an average person to keep him healthy and active.

    Nutrition and Hydration week 2014


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