UOC-USA Primate on situation in Ukraine

(AFR) - Over the past three months, Ukrainian protesters have occupied Kyiv’s Independence Square. They’re demanding closer ties to the European Union, changes to the constitution, and an altering of the government’s power structures. There’ve been recent, violent clashes, with hundreds of people killed by government forces and protesters in the past few weeks. Orthodox and Catholic priests have courageously ministered to both protesters and government forces. The protests have been framed by many Western media as a “Russia versus the West or European Union” conflict.

To help all of us sort through this volatile crisis, Ancient Faith Radio’s Kevin Allen interviewed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the United States. Transcript available here.


  1. Ancient faith radio has also uploaded an interview from a different perspective of Met. Anthony. I hope you will post this as well. http://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/features/ukraine_another_perspective

  2. As a Ukrainian Orthodox Christian it is good to see our fellow Orthodox in the USA supporting democracy in Ukraine:
    Open Letter to Patriarch Kirill from Orthodox Clergy and Faithful in U.S. Regarding Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine
    2 March 2014, Forgiveness Sunday

    To His Holiness Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

    Your Holiness, On the Sunday of Forgiveness, we, the clergy and faithful representing different Orthodox jurisdictions in the United States, are asking you to influence the normalization of the situation in Crimea and the restoration of peace between Russia and Ukraine. The intervention of the Russian Army on the territory of Ukraine is an act of military aggression, which increases ethnic tensions between Russians and Ukrainians. We beseech you, while there is still time, to demand from the President Vladimir Putin to withdraw the Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine, including the Crimean peninsula, in order to prevent bloodshed. Let the peoples of Ukraine and Russia hear the Russian Orthodox Church’s prophetic call to peace, love and mutual forgiveness.

    Asking for your Archpastoral blessings,

    1. Rev. Dn. Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk, Orthodox Church in America, Aquinas Chair in Theology and Philosophy, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, Minnesota.

    2. Rev. Dn. Dr. Nicholas Denysenko, Orthodox Church in America, Assistant Professor of Theological Studies, Director of Huffington Institute, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California.

    3. Rev. Dr. Michael Plekon, Orthodox Church in America, Professor of Sociology, Baruch College of the City University of New York, New York.

    4. Rev. Dr. John Breck, Orthodox Church in America, Emeritus Professor and Former Dean of St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Paris, France.

    5. Rev. Dr. Harry Pappas, Pastor, Archangels Greek Orthodox Church in Stamford, CT, and Sessional Professor of Pastoral Theology, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, New York.

    6. Dr. Peter Bouteneff, Orthodox Church in America, Professor of Systematic Theology, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, New York.

    7. Rev. Dr. Oliver Herbel, Pastor, Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church, Fargo, North Dakota.

    The items contained in the Religious Information Service of Ukraine
    may be used, in part or in their entirety, by quoting the source.


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