"The Russian part of the shooting for the new drama titled The Priest-San completed in Yaroslavl Region on 4 August. Directed by Yegor Baranov, the film tells the story of Japanese priest Takuro Nakamura, who flees Yakuza wars at home for the Russian sticks. The protagonist is played by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, a Japanese actor and martial artist known for his roles in Mortal Kombat, Showdown in Little Tokyo, and Hachi: A Dog's Tale. Most of the rest of the cast are Russian, including Ivan Okhlobystin, Pyotr Mamonov, Igor Zhizhikin, and Lyubov Tolkalina."
Read more about the film in an interview available
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is one of my favorite character actors. I have enjoyed his work in everything I've seen him in, movies and TV. Blessings upon him and may he have many more years of performing on the screen.