"Raising Believing Children” Parenting Workshops offered

JOHNSTOWN, PA (ACROD) - Our Diocese is pleased to announce a series of Parenting Workshops designed to help parents raise their children in the Faith. The title of the series is “Raising Believing Children” and will focus on the ways parents can help their children stay faithful to Christ and His Church in a world that is filled with doubt and most often works against their Faith. The Workshops are for parents of any age – you’re never too old to be a son or daughter, and likewise you’re never too old to be a parent! This series of Parenting Workshops will be hosted by different Churches and Deaneries around our Diocese starting in March 2019. The first Workshop in the Series will be hosted by Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Rockaway, NJ on March 2, 2019. The first will feature His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa and Very Rev. Stephen Loposky as presenters and workshop facilitators. Each workshop will be broadcast live online and will be archived for later viewing as well, and will include both presentations and small group moderated discussions to allow participants to help each other in their lives as parents. This is an exciting and important endeavor. His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory invites you to join him in support of parents as our Diocese launches this initiative to help them in their parental vocation.

If your parish or deanery would like to host a Parenting Workshop please contact Fr. Stephen or Pani Daria Loposky at 724-662-4840 or campnazareth@acrod.org for more information about hosting.


  1. As a parent of a 4 and 10 year old, this is on my radar. Behind it, or rather the elephant, is the secularism *within* (in each of us, in our parishes, etc.). My experience has been that while many (most) parents, some laity, and a smattering of clergy are willing to in some way significantly address it, there is real resistance. Clergy in particular don't seem to want to acknowledge/address it for diverse reasons, some of which I can get my head around and others I can not (not that I agree with any of the reasons I have understood so far).

    If most of this seminar suggestions is of the variety of "attend more feasts/church/services and all will be well, all will be well" then that will be unfortunately more of the same...


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