EP calls different Paschal dates a "scandal"
( Orthodox Times ) - Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew extended in his homily his heartfelt wishes to all the non-Orthodox Christians who celebrated the Holy Easter on Sunday, March 31, after presiding over the Sunday Divine Liturgy at the Church of Saint Theodore of the Community of Vlanga. “On this day, the timeless message of the Resurrection resonates more profoundly than ever, as our non-Orthodox Christian brethren and sisters commemorate the resurrection of our Lord from the dead, celebrating Holy Easter. We have already sent our representatives to all the Christian Communities of the confessions here, to extend our heartfelt wishes of the Holy Great Church of Christ and our Patriarchal congratulations. But also from this position we extend a heartfelt greeting of love to all Christians around the world who celebrate Holy Easter today. We beseech the Lord of Glory that the forthcoming Easter celebration next year will not merely be a fortuitous occurrence, but rather the beginning...
Where is this particular Greek colony located?
ReplyDeletePhoenix AZ. Amusingly Elder Ephraim consented to move to America only after being asked for 10 years and when he saw how wayward the Greeks had become in America, but while he admittedly came for the Greeks, its American converts who have filled his monasteries.
DeleteThanks for your reply Sojourner, but my question was tongue in cheek.
DeleteWithout denying Elder Eprhaim's personal holiness, the good of establishing monestaries, and fill_in_the_blank, the fact that this service was so mono-culture Greek "in" Arizona (but only in an alien way), well it begs questions...
Yes it is a constant frustration to be American and feel like an outsider in your own country when it comes to church.
DeleteTo be fair tho, for this particular situation, even if everything was normally in English, I would understand the use of Greek here since Elder Ephraim only spoke Greek, its what he grew up with and understood, so it was appropriate.
I was sad to not be able to understand any of the sermons given, tho I hope translations will be made at some point.
Im hopeful that within a generation, after the founding members from Greece have reposed or handed over leadership that the monasteries will transition to English, but we'll see.
There are many Greeks in the Elder's monasteries as well as American converts. I don't know the exact breakdown of Greek vs convert, but there are a lot of Greeks in his monasteries.