Learn about the Pappas Patristic Summer Institute!


  1. I am intrigued simply because the presenters/tutors are not the usual suspects - I don't think I recognize a single name.

    clicking on the link, you pick one presenter in the morning and one in the afternoon, but the conference runs for several days so I assume you stick with your choice over the week?

  2. They'd have to promise in writing NO photo ops with bishops and not a word about unfinished church buildings in NYC.

  3. It sounds like HCHC is only an event venue, not a sponsor or promoter. I think the next event that August will be a three day tutorial on "How To Raise $47M and Make It Disappear". The keynote will be David Copperfield and Chris Angel.

  4. I'm biased, because I've been involved the past 5 years, but it's definitely a highlight of my year. Join us!


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