UPDATE: Here's the link.
JOHNSTOWN, PA (ACROD) - A one-of-a-kind, in-depth interview by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory (Tatsis) of Nyssa will be aired on a very special 5th Sunday Stewardship Calling Program on Ancient Faith Radio on Sunday, March 29th at 8:00 p.m. Eastern (7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific).
In this extended interview Metropolitan Gregory will discuss the following:
1. His upbringing and the challenges he faced along his journey;
2. How our Orthodox Christian theology can be reconciled with the world of science; His scientific background before major orders makes him uniquely qualified to speak on this.
3. An update on the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops;
4. The background and history of the American Carpatho Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America; Something few people know about.
5. His official trip to Cuba as the representative of the Ecumenical Patriarch;
6. His critical focus on our youth and emerging adults ministries and his vision for American Orthodox churches.
This is a wonderfully frank, personal and comprehensive interview. Diocesan faithful and friends are encourage to Log in at: https://www.ancientfaith.com/radio/live
Do you know if this is available now that it has already happened?