Prayers for Fr. James Bernstein

The Very Rev. A. James Bernstein was a teenage chess champion whose dramatic conversion experience at the age of 16 led him to Christianity. His spiritual journey has included a number of twists and turns: he was chapter president of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship at Queens College, helped found the Jews for Jesus ministry in San Francisco, was a staff member of the Christian World Liberation Front in Berkeley, served as a pastor of an Evangelical Orthodox Church near Silicon Valley, and later became an Eastern Orthodox convert and then priest. He lives with his wife Bonnie outside of Seattle, Washington, where he serves as pastor of St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church. Father James is the author of several AFP topical booklets: Orthodoxy: Jewish and Christian; Which Came First: The Church or the New Testament; Communion: A Family Affair: Heaven and Hell; and The Orthodox Christian Gospel. He was also a contributor to the Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament and Psalms (Thomas Nelson, 1993).


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