Abbot Joseph on Theophany (Epiphany)
Words on Theophany from Abbott Joseph with complete post here
Normally I quote the beginning, but the summation held the most value to me....
So let us hear the words of St John the Forerunner: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” And let us reflect on just what this means, in the world and in our own lives. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit, and this sets us apart from unbelievers and evildoers—but we still have to live accordingly if we wish to be gathered in like good grain and not burned up like useless chaff. Baptism is not a guarantee of salvation; it is rather an equipping for salvation, granting us all we need for our pilgrimage to Paradise. So let us be encouraged—by the anointing of the Spirit, by the presence and constant companionship of the Son, and by the words of the Father, which will be our everlasting delight: “You are my beloved son (my beloved daughter); in you I am well pleased.”
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