Monday, May 12, 2008

Peter on virginity

To set the scene for this, the Apostles have descended "like hail from the clouds" to the door of the Theotokos so that they can be present at her passing on. It is a three-day process with lots of dialogue amongst those present. Of the many things said, I quite liked this explanation given by the Apostle Peter.

"Then Peter said to the virgins who were present there: "Hear about your grace and your glory and your honor! For blessed are all who guard the form of their holy life. Hear and learn what our teacher said to us, 'The Kingdom of heaven is like virgins' (Mt 25:1). He did not say 'it is like a great length of time,' because time passes, but the name of virginity will not pass away. Nor did he liken it to wealth, since money is spent but the name of virginity remains. That is why I believe you are even now in glory: for that reason, he compared the Kingdom of heaven to you, since you have no cares. For when death is sent upon you, you do not say, 'Woe to use - where shall we flee, and leave our poor children or our great wealth or our planted fields or our large possessions?' You do not worry about any of these things. You have no other concern but that for your own virginity. And when death is sent upon you, you will be found ready, lacking in nothing. Learn, then, that nothing is greater than the name of virtue, and nothing more burdensome than worldly things."

- John of Thessalonica
The Dormition of Our Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-virgin Mary

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