Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ukrainian Orthodox Church (USA) has new hierarch

The weekend of May 9-11, 2008 has been described as a weekend of a spiritual joy and renewal for not only the more than 500 people who gathered at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH but for the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, as the hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the Church witnessed the consecration of a new bishop of the UOC of the USA in the person of Archimandrite Daniel (Zelinsky).

Seven Orthodox Hierarchs from around the world participated in the historical and joyful event of the Church. Metropolitan Constantine and Archbishop Antony, the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA were joined in the consecration services by Hs Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of the American Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Church, His Eminence Archbishop Yurij of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, His Grace Bishop Jeremiah of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of South America, His Grace Bishop Demetrios, the assistant Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago and a representative of the Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the US – His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, and His Grace Bishop Andrij of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Western Europe.
Also and participating in the consecration services were 60 priests and deacons of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and other Orthodox Churches, along with 400 faithful who traveled to Parma, OH from around the country, from California to Maine and from Canada to Florida and everywhere in between. In attendance were also three hierarchs of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USA: His Eminence Metropolitan Stefan Soroka, Bishop Robert Moskal, Bishop-emeritus Basil Losten, as well as Bishop John Kudryk of Byzantine Catholic Church of America.

... complete article here.

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