Indian Orthodox complain to Vatican about terminology use
Complete article here.(OBL News) - July 28, 2009
Our beloved Brother in Christ,
I am immensely delighted to see that Your Grace’s ministry progresses well by the grace and mercy of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ. I implore the Almighty to strengthen you to impart the best leadership so as to take the Church, the Body of Christ, to new heights overcoming all the challenges of the new century.
The basic reason for this letter is some misleading statements seen in the official website of the Syro Malankara Catholic Church, under your Grace’s spiritual leadership (, which are not in consonance with the lofty Christian witness and unity of the Church, and which overtly misuse the titles of other ecclesiastical heads.
I strongly believe that those statements included in the website are not with Your Grace’s knowledge and permission. If they are published in the website with Your Grace’s permission, let me write some important points for a rethinking and favorable action from your side.
1. In the website, beside Your Grace’s picture, the first title ascribed to you is “Successor of the Apostolic See of St.Thomas”. Any Indian Christian can, with a sense of pride, claim that St.Thomas is the founder of the Indian Church. But the “Successor of the Apostolic See of St.Thomas” cannot be unilaterally claimed and used by all. The title “the Apostolic See of St.Thomas” gives more emphasis on the Apostolic character of the See than on the St.Thomas character. This Apostolicity is granted to various Churches in various places through various persons by the grace of God. How can the Syro Malankara Catholic Church under the Holy Father the Pope, the successor of the Holy See of St. Peter, who emphatically holds that this Apostolicity was given only to the Roman Church through St. Peter, claim its succession to St.Thomas? If somebody under the Catholic Church claims St.Thomas succession, it is against the fundamental dogma of the Roman Church. Right from the advent of St. Thomas in Kerala we have an unbroken priestly succession of St.Thomas through the renowned ‘Marthoma Metrans’, the Malankara Metropolitans and the Catholicos of the East. His Holiness the Catholicos Baselios Marthoma Didymus I, who bears the very name ‘Marthoma’ (St.Thomas) now leads the Indian Church as its great shepherd. The title Successor of the Apostolic See of St.Thomas in India is the prerogative of His Holiness only. It sounds illogical that the Catholic Church has several Apostolic Sees at a time.
2. The second title given to the Major Arch Bishop in the website cannot be justified by any person with a sense of history. Had Your Grace studied the history of the Church prior to 1930 when the Malankara Rite got separated from the Church, Your Grace being only a steward of a regional rite of the Roman Catholic Church, would not have ventured to add this title to your name. The historical progression of ‘Jathikku Karthavyan’, Arch Deacon, Marthoma Methran, Malankara Metropolitan
and Catholicos is an explicit example of the evolution of governance in the Church over the centuries. The importance each of these titles as understood by the faithful, and which carry even now, these nuances very well explains the intrinsic significance, universality and independence based on a spirit of nationalism and the autocephalous nature of the Church. The powers vested in the Malankara Metropolitan and the Malankara Syrian Christian Association of which the Malankara Metropolitan is the President, are far beyond the rights ascribed to the regional heads of any Rite of the Catholic Church or any other leader of breakaway faction of the Church. Further, it has been unquestionably established by the Malankara Syrian Christian Association held on 20.03.2002 at Parumala, to which Justice V. S. Malimat was the observer appointed by the Supreme Court of India, that His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Mathews II, the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan and his successors will be ‘the Malankara Metropolitans’. This decision has been duly approved by the Supreme Court. May I humbly remind Your Grace that by the same reason the illegitimate use of the title ‘Malankara Metropolitan’ by any other ecclesiastical authority is a challenge to the judiciary of our nation...
For those who don't already know, in India it is illegal to change one's religion. When the Indian Orthodox Church split into the Malankara Orthodox Church and the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church with the former claiming independence from the Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch (in Damascus) the Supreme Court of India did not recognize the division and held that there was only one Orthodox Church in India.
ReplyDeleteMetropolitan Gabriel, acting on his own initiative and outside the Department of Ecumenical Relations of the Catholicate, complains that there are more than one claimant to the See of St. Thomas.
The deep irony here is that there are currently 5 separate Churches that have roots in the evangelization of Mar Thomas.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, it is not illegal to change one's religion in India.
The disputes between the two factions of the Orthodox in India are not the issue here.
Nor is the fact that there are 5 seperate churches of the Mar Thoma tradition at issue here ( For ex there are 5-7 churches who use the title of the Patriarch of Antioch, atleast 2 due to the effects of French Colonial catholicism among the Orthodox & Oriental Orthodox).
The issue here is the use of the title of Catholicos by the Syro-Malankara eastern catholic church, when such a title has not been bestowed on them by Rome.
Their church was made a Major Archbishopric and as Rome had clarified earlier, there exists no title of Catholicos within the Code of Eastern Canon Law nor was such a title bestowed upon Archbishop Isaac Cleemis by Rome.
The use of such a title is used by the syro-malankarese to induce confusion among the orthodox faithful and is an effort at proselytization. We in India, have seen such activities at close quarters. Employment as teachers/lecturers and easy admissions to schools and colleges and hospitals are used as tools to gain conversion. Churches are built close to Orthodox ones and especially when the old church is claimed by both the Orthodox factions.
Differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy are down played saying that the only difference is that the Pope of Rome is substituted for the Patriarch of Antioch in the Dictyphs.
This sort of thinking can be seen in the last paragraph of the article referenced below
Thank you for your interest in my reply.
ReplyDeleteThe matter of religious conversion in India has been a hot topic since at least colonial times. The British crown enacted anti-conversion, apostacy and so-called public safety acts throughout the colonial empire. These laws existed in Kota, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Raigarh, Patna, Surguja, Udaipur and Kalahandi, to name a few. Anti-conversion laws exist today in most states in India including Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. New laws preventing conversion have been passed in 2006-2007 in Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh and others. Anti-conversion proposals have been discussed in Jharkhand and Uttarakhand and are becoming a popular trend.
At issue in these laws are the “allurement” or use of “force” and require a judge to determine whether the conversion was legitimate. Women, certain group converts, lower castes (so-called Scheduled Castes) and tribals are automatically suspect and must prove the legitimacy of their conversion in a court of law for it to be recognized by the State. Illegitimate converts face high fines and prison terms. Several states have required converts register their intended change prior to their official conversion with a local official to enable the state to track the convert.
The Indian Supreme Court has upheld anti-conversion laws. The Hindu-nationalist BJP is only one of many major parties that support such legislation. The Congress Party’s leader, Sonia Gandhi, a Catholic, has stood up for minority rights and opposed such legislation.
In 2005 Pope John Paul II elevated the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church to the status of Major Archepiscopal Church giving it the same legal status as a Patriarchate but not endowed with the patriarchal title.
A Catholicos is name of the head of a Church of East Syrian origin having the same legal status as a Patriarchate but not endowed with the patriarchal title.
Popes of Rome do not bestow Eastern titles on the Heads of Eastern Churches in communion with Rome. Rather, the Episcopal Synod of the respective Eastern Catholic Church is responsible for conducting canonical elections and enthronements of their leaders.
The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches is not an omnibus collection of canons for all the Eastern Churches. Rather, it was designed to provide a structural framework upon which each Church would be able to enact their own particular law with which to govern themselves. It is completely within the rights of each Eastern Church to use or not to use an Eastern title.
ReplyDeleteInspite of what you have said about the anti-conversion laws and inspite of the fact that the Indian supreme court has upheld some such laws, the fact is that none of these laws make it illegal to change ones religion, what these laws stipulate is that the conversion has to be certified as genuine by an authority who is designated by the states as the case may be. In addition some states especially tribal ones have enacted provisions to prevent access to missionaries to tribal areas.
Some of the laws are motivated by the fears of right wing groups and their motives are suspect, in some cases the motivation is fair and I think the courts have given a fair hearing to all.
But in all cases, no law of the land forbids genuine heartfelt conversion. Yes the law is used by some elements to try and prevent all conversion and that is something Indian christians and Indian civil society fights against. But you cannot make a blanket statement that it is illegal to change ones religion in India, if you do give the back up.
Are all Major Archepiscopal churches , of Patriarchal status automatically. Are Major Archbishops of the same ranks as Patriarchs.
If so why has the UGCC or even the Syro Malabar church not been granted Patriarchal status. If the SMC indeed has Patriarchal status, why does not the Syro Malankarese Archbishop style himself as Catholicos -Patriarch.
Rome is needed to declare a Church to be Arch Episcopal or Patriarchal, but Rome is not needed for somebody to arrogate various titles to his name. Rome decides which church can govern itself, the "synods" decision is sent to Rome for confirmation, yet one can create and use titles as he likes.
As an eastern christian myself I know exactly what a Patriarch is and what a Catholicos is and what different traditions exist among the various Eastern churches.
Had the Syro Malabarese petioned Rome to include the title of Catholicos in the Code of Eastern Law or in their own Particular law and then used the title, we would not have much ground to complain on. But this has not hapenned.
Abp Isaac Cleemis and his predecessor Cyril speak/spoke about Reunion often; in their actions we see their deep desire for unity.
Met Gregorios as the head of the External relations agency of the Orthodox Catholicate has taken this opportunity to point out (as his predecessor had also) the fact that the SMC was trying to arrogate a host of titles including that of Catholicos to their name.
This is done to create confusion, in the words of the priest whose interview was referenced, familiarity breeds acceptance and hopefully some more can be got to come over.
ReplyDeleteConverts in India must have their conversion approved by a judge or they will face high fines or jail. Without such state approval such conversions are against the law. While I’m unqualified to address why these laws were enacted, the effect that these laws have is to prevent all but the heroic from converting lest they face prison or high fine. These laws are common in Islamic countries as well. I treasure my freedom of religion as an American all the more because I know that few others around the globe enjoy the same.
Major Archepiscopal Churches are not of the same rank as Patriarchal Churches. Major Archbishops hold precedence of honor immediately after Patriarchs according to the order in which the Church over which they preside was erected as a Major Archepiscopal Church. A Major Archepiscopal Church is fully autonomous in all matters according to the law. Only the election of a Major Archbishop requires the confirmation of the Pope of Rome. The election of a Patriarch requires no such confirmation. The Pope of Rome is merely notified of the canonical Patriarchal election and after enthronement the new Patriarch requests ecclesiastical communion by means of a signed letter in his own hand.
A Major Archbishop can decide to call himself anything he wishes providing he accords with his tradition. Certainly, it is in accord with the East Syrian tradition for Syro-Malankara faithful to be led by a Catholicos.
The East Syrian tradition has only recognized one Patriarchal see, that of Antioch. The introduction of a new Patriarchate into this tradition would be a novelty and unnecessary.
Metropolitan Gabriel’s complaint that two people can’t possibly hold the same title of Catholicos ignores the fact despite what the State of India says his Church and the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church are two separate institutions.
Finally, it is important to understand the scope of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches in the Catholic Church. The Code does not legislate liturgical or ceremonial matters. The Code only affects those matters common to all Eastern Catholic Churches. Therefore, issues only affecting the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church would be a matter of particular law and would not be found in the Code.
I think it is the jealously of the Malankara Orthodox laity towards Malankara Catholic Church's growth that has resulted in this 'Catolicos' name controversy.
ReplyDeleteWhen syro-malankara joined rome, the deal was that it will be given full administrative independence and liturgical independence unlike syro malabar where huge latinization has occurred and western influence of rome is much. In case of syro malankara they still hold old traditions and using west syriac. If u go to syro malankara and orthodox church u wont find much differences in traditions. Syro malankara did not allow much influence of rome becuase they wanted to preserve the liturgy and traditions which got mostly modified in case of syro malabar. Now speaking about top level, all wanted to be in power, the reason y v have independent orthodox, jacobite, syro malankara, portugeese influenced syro malabar. Division happened only due to want of power. No one is innocent kid here.
ReplyDeleteDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
ReplyDeleteAs the world has gone so far in all fields like education,technology,development,industry,commercialisation,socialisation and more than everything civilisation we christians must come to the conclusion that there is only one Son of God and he is Jesus Christ ,The Saviour born to Virgin Mary.As the Catholic church under the leadership of the Pope has the maximum number of believers,priests,nuns,Bishops,Arch Bishops and Cardinals its better to join them and be a family of Christians worldwide instead of claiming that we are better than the catholic hierarchy.As far as a small place like Kerala is concerned, the two divisions of the orthodox church namely,Malankara Orthodox and the Malankara Jacobite are fighting for positions and churches rediculously against the basic principles of christianity which tells to serve others irrespective of positions and financial gains.People like you must take the example of the lives of Mother Teressa and Gandhiji, who even if was not a Christian lived better than any Christian in his deeds.
Instead of fighting for churches , semmetries , semminarries , church lands , positions and wealth take the example of the Great Arch Bishop Geevarghese Mar Ivanios who showed the boldness to join the universal catholic church under the Pope in the year 1930.
A true believer of Jesus Christ..!!