Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two ROCOR bishops survive car crash in Germany

New York, July 6 (Interfax) - At approximately midnight of July 4, 2010, Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany and Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart, returning to the Monastery of St Job of Pochaev in Munich-Obermenzig from a visit to the Women's Skete in Buchendorf, were involved in an auto accident in Bavaria.

Upon entering the A8 highway between Stuttgart and Munich, the BMW carrying the hierarchs was hit from behind by a car driven by a drunk driver who had been celebrating Germany's victory over Argentina in the World Cup games in South Africa.

Archbishop Mark, sitting in the back seat, and the driver, suffered no injuries, but Bishop Agapit, who was sitting beside the driver, suffered injuries to the back and neck.

"The back of his seat was broken and flew back, so this was a strong collision, the Archbishop said. "The back of the car was crumpled like an accordion and is beyond repair."

That night, the hierarchs were examined by doctors at Dritter Orden Hospital in Munich. Bishop Agapit was treated and released. Later that night they returned to St Job Monastery.

As a result of this accident, however, Bishop Agapit must postpone his planned July 5 trip to the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, where he was to serve on a temporary basis.

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