Friday, March 11, 2011

My daughter is born - thanks be to God!

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, he that keepeth it watcheth but in vain.

It is vain for you to rise up early; ye rise up after resting, ye that eat the bread of sorrow,

While He hath given his beloved sleep. Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord, the reward of the fruit of the womb.

As arrows in the hands of a mighty man, so are the children of the outcast.

Happy is the man that shall satisfy his desire with them; they shall not be ashamed when they shall speak with their enemies in the gate.

- Psalm 126


  1. Congratulations to you and your wife...and God grant his handmaiden many years!

  2. Congratulations! Glory to God! I hope all are doing well.

  3. I've been lurking for awhile, but I wanted to come out of hiding to congratulate you and your wife. Many Years to your daughter!

  4. Congratulations! I pray many blessings for your family.

  5. Congratulations! God grant her, you and your entire family Many Years!!

  6. Thanks for all the well-wishes. Baby name coming soon. :)

    Also, glad to know there are some lurkers out there.

  7. Beautiful! Nice work, parents!
    secret code: fulnest no kidding!

  8. Soon will come the fullness of the diapers, a completely different kind of blessing (Mysteriously, it is my experience that they do not stink for the first few weeks. I think this is the Lord knowing not to yoke us too tightly.)

    I'm no priest, but I pronounced many a blessing with holy talcum powder on my children.

  9. how wonderful! Congratulations.

  10. Wonderful, wonderful!!! Praised be God!

  11. Isn't she a beauty?! Warm congratulations! And welcome baby Flavius! Many blessed years!

  12. Glory to God!

    Now get some rest!

  13. What a tremendous blessing! Thanks be to God for a healthy mom & baby!

  14. A tiny life, truly an icon of what we all are in the face of the vastness of divinity. May she enjoy many years and bring her parents abundant happiness, and, at the last, return herself willingly to Him who gave her life.

    Thank you for your ministry of information, Josephus. To you, your wife and daughter, many years!

    -Another "lurker"

  15. God Grant Your Little One Many Blessed Years! We are so happy for all of you!

  16. Hearty congratulations, and may she have many years in peace, health and happiness! Isn't fruitfulness wonderful??

  17. Many years to the newborn daugher! And Congratulations to her parents.

  18. Congratulations, Joseph, to you, your wife, and your entire family. May God grant her many years! I look forward to the pictures of her Baptism and Chrismation! All the best. -Scott

  19. She is beautiful! The goodness of God is never seen so clearly as in a brand new baby. I am so glad the induction went well.
