Armenians buying expensive cars not rebuilding churches?

On reading this news article, I am reminded of a story about the recently reposed (May his memory be eternal!) Patriarch Pavle of Serbia...

Patriarch Pavle, as he was known, continued to live a simple life even after he moved to the new residence – the Patriarchal Palace – in Belgrade. People from Belgrade often encountered him on the streets, riding the train or the bus... Once, while walking alone the hilly street of King Peter the I, towards the Patriarchate, a late model Mercedes passed closely by him, the driver – a priest from one of the well known parishes in Belgrade, stopped the car and said:

- Your Holiness, permit me to invite you in! Just tell me where you heading

The Patriarch entered the car, and as soon as it started moving, asked:

- Tell me, Father, whose car is this?

- It’s mine, your Holiness!

- Stop it! – the Patriarch replied, he then got off, made the sign of the Cross and said to the priest:

- May the Lord, watch over you!

( - In a statement issued today, the civic organization "We Will Not Remain Silent" refers to a new article in ArmInfo which claims that during the past year the Holy See of Etchmiadzin has purchased 7 Toyota autos worth $309,000.

The same ArmInfo source alleges that Etchmiadzin has purchased Toyota and other autos in past years as well and that no VAT is applicable.

The group reminds the public that only a few days ago Etchmiadzin Info Coordinator Vahram Melikyan stated that the church doesn't have the funds needed to renovate Sanahin and other religious sites on the verge of ruin and that they are dependent on the largess of benefactors.

"We Will Not Remain Silent" points out that while the finances of the Armenian Apostolic Church remain a mystery, it can be inferred from the lavish lifestyle of many top clergy that the church is more than holding its head above water.

The activists then argue that even if it was true that the church was financially strapped, then why are scarce resources going to build a new seat for the Catholicos in downtown Yerevan rather than saving a religious monument from ruin.

In conclusion, the group says that "the Armenian Apostolic Church has lost the pulse of the people and has lost sight of society."


  1. When such things become known I tend to think of this story from Patriarch Paul's life: "Once, approaching the Patriarchate, His Holiness Paul noticed many cars near the entrance and became interested in whose they were. He was told that these cars belonged to hierarchs. To this the Patriarch replied with a smile: "If they, who know the Savior’s commandment about unacquisitiveness, have such cars, just imagine what kind of cars they would have if there this commandment did not exist!""

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